Worm farm and composting?

Filed under: Worms-Vermicompost |

Question by littleroffy IV: Worm farm and composting?
Hi, I’ve just started a veggie garden. So, I thought I’d be environmentally sound and start a worm farm an a composting bin (heat composting). I’ve read that worms don’t have teeth and things should be small enough for quick digestion. So, my question is:- If I put my scraps into the heat composter first, can I add this compost to my worm farm once it’s semi-composted?

Cheers 😉

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4 Responses to Worm farm and composting?

  1. NO but you can use the Compositor to make a worm farm but has to be built to suit them link shows how.
    you have to click on boxes at top in link to get to the different instructions and information it is informative and should work for you as long as do it their proven successful way for back yard worm farming.

    January 23, 2012 at 11:54 pm

  2. Yes, definitely.

    For the most part, worms don’t actually eat your compost, they’re feeding on the bacteria in your compost. The bacteria are what process the scraps into finished compost. There are 3 stages of bacteria that your compost pile are dominated by when you “hot” compost and worms can’t take the heat of a really hot pile.

    But, once the compost is finished, the worms then actually contribute even more bacteria from their gut to the final product, worm castings.

    There is an excellent book that describes the soil-food-web in layman’s terms. It’s called “Teaming with Microbes”.

    January 24, 2012 at 12:32 am

  3. You could. But your worms wouldn’t get the best nutrition, because they would already have been semi broken down in the compost pile. Try running your veggie scraps through a blender or food processor to break them down into small bits, then pour it into the worm bin.

    January 24, 2012 at 12:34 am

  4. You absolutely can do this.
    It is exactly what I do and I am a worm farmer.
    I put all my fruit and vegetable scraps in my traditional compost pile, let it go through the heat process, then begin feeding that pre-composted materials to the worm bins.
    They go through it very quickly, it speeds up the entire process and makes a beautiful, nutrient rich finished product.
    Good thinking!

    January 24, 2012 at 12:35 am

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