Will the chicken’s egg will fertilized by a broiler cock?

Filed under: Poultry |

Question by : Will the chicken’s egg will fertilized by a broiler cock?
I mean that hybrid between the broiler and normal domestic chicken will possible or not.

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One Response to Will the chicken’s egg will fertilized by a broiler cock?

  1. First, the rooster must mate with the hen. Chicken eggs aren’t like fish egg, where the egg becomes fertilized.

    Broilers themselves are hybrids. And yes, crossbred or hybrid poultry can naturally reproduce just fine. They are like dogs and cats in the aspect that mutts are produced. It is usually difficult though for broilers to live to sexual maturity as their bodies (all that weight) tend to give out on them. They are also a little large to be mating safely with most domestic breeds of chickens. If you want fertile eggs I would suggest getting a new rooster.

    Best wishes,

    rhode runner
    May 17, 2012 at 3:31 pm

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