why is the father of my two kids just now trying to call????

Filed under: Bees |

raise bees
Image by turtlemom4bacon
~ Norman Vincent Peale (American Protestant Clergyman and Writer, 1898-1993)

A bee was enjoying the pretty pink flowers at Lowry Zoo, Tampa ~

H * P * P * T ~

Norman Vincent Peale ~


Norman Vincent Peale was born in Bowersville, Ohio. He graduated from Bellefontaine High School, Bellefontaine, Ohio. He has earned degrees at Ohio Wesleyan University (where he became a brother of the Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta) and Boston University School of Theology.

Raised as a Methodist and ordained as a Methodist minister in 1922, Peale changed his religious affiliation to the Reformed Church in America in 1932 and began a 52-year tenure as pastor of Marble Collegiate Church in Manhattan. During that time the church’s membership grew from 600 to over 5000, and he became one of New York City’s most famous preachers.

Question by lil_mizz_cute_thang: why is the father of my two kids just now trying to call????
i have two kids Isabella is going to be 3 october 1st and sabrina 3 months. i’m 16 years old and i live with my mother, my dad past away March 17 of 09. The father was in Isabella’s life for 5 months then he got arrested for weed. he got out of jail and we were separated and i went to a party and i got drunk i did that because i was so angry with my life. so me and this guy ended up having sex. then he got arrested that same very night because he had weed and coke. he was in jail for a VERY long time he didn’t even know i was pregnant, i told him i was pregnant with his child again and he kept saying it wasn’t his, he’s seen the baby and the baby looks like him and i’ve had tests done to prove it but he still says it’s not his baby. he doesn’t work or pay child support i work at Apple bees and raise my kids myself. starting about 3 weeks ago he’s been calling me and texting me saying “hey Babe” “i miss you!” “why are you ignoring me” and i just ignored hi messages. i’m assuming he’s getting pissed because i’m not talking to him, today i got a total 3 calls from him and 5 texts. i know these are his kids to but i don’t want to exspose them to him because of drugs, when i was preg. with sabrina he did weed but sabrina doesn’t have problems he’s lucky or i would kill his ass. so do you have any advise on what i should do????? remember i’m ONLY 16 and need advise. i do have a car. no rude comments. thax.

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6 Responses to why is the father of my two kids just now trying to call????

  1. well better now than never…don’t rush into thing right away, see how he is without them knowing its daddy…then go from there.

    Justice For Caylee Marie
    July 6, 2012 at 2:36 pm

  2. i think he is a bad influence and i would keep him away from my kids
    but meanwhile if he is willing to stop smoking weed then i would give a second chance but if he’s not going to then i wouldn’t

    and 16 is quite a young age to have kids D:

    July 6, 2012 at 2:43 pm

  3. Wow. You should have been asking for advice months back instead of getting drunk and knocked. NOW you want the advice?

    LOL, gtfo.

    July 6, 2012 at 3:08 pm

  4. you’re doing the right thing in ignoring him!! I would of done the same thing. . . you don’t need him to raise your kids. My mom is a single mother she raised us 5 by herself. . . she left my dad when she found out he was on crack!! She tried getting back with him but he only caused problems. Especially when he wanted money to get more. . . he would get angry for every little thing and take it out on us!! Believe me you don’t want to live that life!! Neither do your kids. . . and if he’s calling you back saying what he’s saying like calling you babe and things like that is because he knows that he can get what he wants out of you. . . but proof him wrong!!

    July 6, 2012 at 3:10 pm

  5. u r a sl ut!!!!!!! i didn’t ask this question before you moron ho. i really am having issues with my uncle you moron

    Valentina R
    July 6, 2012 at 3:22 pm

  6. Put a lock on the liquor cabinet,and close your legs…GOD

    July 6, 2012 at 4:14 pm

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