Why is subsidized/protected agriculture generally less sustainable than non-subsidized agriculture?

Filed under: Self Reliance |

sustainable agriculture
Image by friendsoffamilyfarmers

Question by Lost: Why is subsidized/protected agriculture generally less sustainable than non-subsidized agriculture?
Anyone know why this may be true? I’m lost.

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One Response to Why is subsidized/protected agriculture generally less sustainable than non-subsidized agriculture?

  1. Subsidies created excesses and shortages that are longer standing than free market systems. Politicians favor emotion over economics. If you are looking at sustainable as the hippy organic people farming then that is just hobby farming that could never be ramped up to feed the general population at a reasonable price. But if you are looking at pasture land being plowed up to put in corn, blame biofuel subsidies. The biofuel policy has displaced all other subsidies that the USDA offers except the small Direct Payment system.

    the long shot
    September 30, 2012 at 5:06 am

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