why is glass used in solar heater?

Filed under: Self Reliance |

solar water heater
Image by hardworkinghippy

Question by Husna Sabrina: why is glass used in solar heater?
glass cover is put on top of the black surface in a solar water heater. what are some properties of glass in this case? how does it help in absorbing heat, whilst it is a poor absorber and radiator? moreover, it is also a shiny surface.

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3 Responses to why is glass used in solar heater?

  1. glass is there probably to protect the black surface….the black surface is the thing that absorbs heat….
    the glass however does help store heat and takes time to cool down
    umm and i think the glass is a matt surface….cause u wouldn’t want it to reflect light and cause some kind of plane crash 😛

    dunno if im right

    June 28, 2013 at 6:09 pm

  2. The purpose of using glass is almost the same process with green house effect.

    Glass will allow light(radiation) to enter solar heater. It’s because light still at its high frequency. After the system heating up, some of infra red(heat) will try to radiate out of the heater, however this “heat” cannot pass the glass, because “heat” has lower frequency than previous light, then the glass reflected it back, which makes the solar heater more efficient to”store” heat(thermal energy).

    Lee Wang Tui
    June 28, 2013 at 6:42 pm

  3. The greenhouse effect of glass doesn’t actually work all that well as it is usually stated, but in the case of solar panels, it’s primary uses are keep the wind from blowing off the heated air just above the panel, and to protect the panel from weather. The glass can be given treatments that will reduce its reflective qualities and the black surface can be prepared to increase its absorption. Glass is not a very good insulator so two layers may be required.

    June 28, 2013 at 7:21 pm

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