Why don’t we pipe seawater into our homes and then split it into combustible Hydrogen and Oxygen w/solar power

Filed under: Self Reliance |

solar power home
Image by ldrose
The third-largest concentrating solar power plant in the world is just outside of Boulder City, Nevada. It’s a 400-acre, 64-megawatt plant harnessing solar energy to power more than 14,000 homes every year.

Question by BD: Why don’t we pipe seawater into our homes and then split it into combustible Hydrogen and Oxygen w/solar power
My understanding is that salt water is fairly easily converted into its combustible gas components (or even better “Brown’s” gas I think it’s called) with a little current and a particular kind of metal. Since there is obviously a huge abundance of salt water on the planet, why aren’t we using it to generate combustible fuel, which satisfies all of our home needs, on site in the home? We could run our heat, AC, hot water, stoves and ovens, dryers and refrigerators with it and we could power a generator for our electricity needs.
What’s the holdup to this clean, viable, cheap energy source aside from oil monopolies suppressing this technology?

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6 Responses to Why don’t we pipe seawater into our homes and then split it into combustible Hydrogen and Oxygen w/solar power

  1. Why not just use the solar power?

    June 10, 2014 at 8:17 pm

  2. do you know that u can’t wash ur clothes if we use sea water? it contains mg n ca ionc in it…whatever, that wasn’t the point….erm..i think a lot of energy is needed for that n it may cause pollution

    Nourule schuhada A
    June 10, 2014 at 8:47 pm

  3. is pumping sea water in your home is that very easy as to get sunlight on ur roof top

    utkarsh s
    June 10, 2014 at 9:17 pm

  4. The amount of energy required to break the bonds between the oxygens and hydrogen in water is exactly the same amount of energy released when you burn hydrogen as a fuel. Since neither process can be done with 100% eefficiency, you will have a net loss of usable energy, so it is better to use the solar power itself to run electrical equipment. If you are producing hydrogen for other purposes, then you could certainly use your process – but, I’m not sure solar technology could produce the raw power needed to make hydrogen and compress it to a reasonable volume on an industrial scale. Hydrogen cannot be liquefied at any temperature above 265C below zero, and it must be stored in very expensive canisters due to the fact the the hydrogen atom is so small it can pass through most metal canisters (similar to the way Helium passes through rubber balloons)

    June 10, 2014 at 9:48 pm

  5. I’ve taught chemistry for over 35 years and for over 35 years I have advocated the use of hydrogen as a fuel. Only now are people beginning to take me seriously. LOL.

    I’ve suggested something similar, except you don’t need to pipe seawater to homes. Just electrolyze seawater right were it is, in the sea using solar collectors. It’s a good idea to put solar technology to work on our homes. I think every new home constructed should contain solar technology. Solar hot water and photovoltaics.

    But solar technolgy is static. It can’t move around. But hydrogen can. You can put it in tanks and transport it from one place to another – portable sunshine. Hydrogen can be the fuel that goes in your car.

    What is Saudia Arabia going to do when it runs out of oil as it will in a few dozen years? It has abundant sunshine, access to seawater and lots of sand containing lots of silicon from which to make photovoltaic cells. Saudia Arabia could easily get into the hydrogen business. Of course, so can the US.

    If there is any good side to the recent run-up in gasoline prices, it is forcing the US to think about alternate ways to produce energy.


    I’ve never heard of H2 diffusing through metal tanks. I’m not sure that is a problem. But it does take large heavy tanks that must be kept cold to store H2 gas.

    Therefore, one of the best ways to handle H2 is as LiH. Lithium hydride is a solid pellet. You can hold it in your hand*, and while flammable, it won’t explode. And once the Li and H are separated and the H2 burned, the lithium metal can be recycled.

    * I wouldn’t recommend holding it your hand because LiH can react exothermically with water.

    June 10, 2014 at 10:18 pm

  6. your last sentence is the answer to your question. I share your point of view. With an electrical charge you can seperate the hydrogen and the oxygen and you can do all you say as well as run your car on water. And with a wind mill and some magnets you can make the electricity for free. in fact Nicholas Tesla invented a way to take electricity right out of the sky for free. But they down played that one too. But keep spreading the word, I’m sure the layman trouble shooters will makes this happen soon.

    June 10, 2014 at 11:14 pm

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