Why does my dog act upset when I swat a fly?

Filed under: Bees |

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Image by USDAgov
Agriculture Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan (left) and White House Personal Chef and Food Policy Advisor Sam Kass (right) smile while Orren Fox, (aka @happychickens) a teenage chicken/bee keeper, from Boston, talked about learning where his food comes from that he started raising chickens in his backyard when he was nine. Now he has 32 chickens, 4 ducks and over 200,000 bees. He is the face of Agriculture’s future. He is joined by his father, Henry, during a Know Your Farmer Compass event that used twitter social media to continue the National Conversation on Local and Regional Food projects and how they offer economic opportunities to local farmers, ranchers and food entrepreneurs. The virtual conversation via twitter was from the White House, in Washington, D.C., on Monday, March 5, 2012. USDA Photo by Lance Cheung.

Question by mustang: Why does my dog act upset when I swat a fly?
My dog is a chow/golden mix 12 years old and spry for her age.

She has never been hit or abused. She walks and plays with me outside every day.

We call her the happy police because she gets upset whenever I cry or raise my voice.

She likes to catch flies and bees when she can and gobbles them up.
But she gets upset when I swat a fly.
(fly swatter, magazine, newspaper, etc…)

I think it may be the aggressive motion of the swatter and the irony is she would kill the fly herself if she could catch it.

Does anyone have any insight for me?

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2 Responses to Why does my dog act upset when I swat a fly?

  1. She’s a nervous dog, and it’s just her temperament. You are right that it is the aggressive motion of the swatting that upsets her.

    August 31, 2012 at 11:12 pm

  2. I have never used a fly swater on my dogs but all I have to do is say the word and they look at me and if I get it to swat a fly they get very upset. There is something about the sound that when you swat at a fly it seems to bother them or they are afraid we will use it on them just like with news papers and so on

    August 31, 2012 at 11:21 pm

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