why does cow milk trigger my allergies and goat milk does not?

Filed under: Goats |

Question by Invisible_Flags: why does cow milk trigger my allergies and goat milk does not?
I have never thought much about this, but it seems that cow milk makes me feel sickly, while goat milk (cheeses) actually seems to energize me. Any ideas?
Thanks so much… actually I suppose that it is not an actual allergy than. I misused the word. It is a troubling sickness-like indigestion that I suffer from… Thanks. I am conscious of this now.

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4 Responses to why does cow milk trigger my allergies and goat milk does not?

  1. lactose

    August 2, 2012 at 4:34 am

  2. Drink goat milk

    Nick C
    August 2, 2012 at 4:43 am

  3. they may have different proteins, and in a true allergy, its protein that is the trigger. If you are truly allergic rather than lactose intolerant (in otherwords, if you swell, itch, have trouble breathing, rather than just indigestion) than you may only be allergic to cow’s milk protein, and thus would be fine with goat’s milk or sheep’s milk etc.

    August 2, 2012 at 5:41 am

  4. alot of times, the allergy is from the form of processed milk you consume. Try Organic milk. My mother in law can only drink Organic milk without any allergic reactions. I myself have noticed that my system is alot better on the Organic Milks.

    August 2, 2012 at 5:46 am

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