Why do people in USA prefer Cow milk over other types of milk?

Filed under: Goats |

Question by Lovely Bunny: Why do people in USA prefer Cow milk over other types of milk?
why not goat milk, dog milk, human milk etc?

what makes cow milk so much better?

lol yea this is a weird question but i just thought about it lol

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10 Responses to Why do people in USA prefer Cow milk over other types of milk?

  1. It’s not just in US, in Europe as well…

    May 15, 2013 at 4:34 pm

  2. Moooooooo

    May 15, 2013 at 5:16 pm

  3. I think i remember reading that cow milk is most compatible with our bodies. I guess it has been that way for so long that humans just consider cow milk the way to go.

    May 15, 2013 at 5:20 pm

  4. Is booby milk on offer? ..if so, I’ll take it.

    May 15, 2013 at 6:17 pm

  5. i liked human (mom) milk when i was a baby but i guess i evolved to cow milk when i got olderr?

    ✞hε ✞яü✞h
    May 15, 2013 at 6:58 pm

  6. i would never drink dog milk…thats f*cked up.

    May 15, 2013 at 7:05 pm

  7. i prefer the white man’s milk teehee

    Hottest Girl Under the Sun
    May 15, 2013 at 7:35 pm

  8. LOL if you like drinking dog milk or wolf milk, then enjoy.
    I like soy milk! hmmm

    cow milk..nasty

    Empress Eternal
    May 15, 2013 at 8:30 pm

  9. cow milk is much compatible to our bodies. besides, i only drink lactose free or soy milk, regular milk upsets my stomach

    Ana Bárbara
    May 15, 2013 at 9:21 pm

  10. because the ADA (American Dairy Association) is one of the richest organizations in the country. So its easy for them to bribe..oops.. i mean pursuade congress into saying people need milk…they say things like we need the calcium… but we are the fattest country in the world..it would literally be impossible to have calcium defeciencies in the USA. The truth is, milk has produced 30 different diseases to humans. But.. you have a politician in your kitchen telling you what to eat.. in reality..humans are herbivores.. we shouldn’t be eating any meat or animal byproducts(milk,eggs,cheese). Our bodies can’t even process meat like carnivores (cats, dogs, lions, heyenas ect.) I could write all day about this.. soI will stop lol..

    So..the answer to your question is because people don’t think for themselves.. they let politicians and the government tell them what to eat

    And a cows hormones are most compatible with human hormones..and that really effects human glands..in a bad way

    Eddie from baltimore
    May 15, 2013 at 10:08 pm

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