Why do people breed mosquitoes? ?

Filed under: Bees |

raise bees
Image by Dave Catchpole
Thistle and Bee

A pleasant afternoon walk in Ickworth Park, Horringer, Nr Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk.
A National Trust Property
The Park – The extensive 1,800 acres of wooded parkland, created in part by ‘Capability’ Brown, is a living landscape rich in plant, animal, and bird life. Some parts cultivated and grazed, yet much can be explored and enjoyed.
The Gardens – The gardens surrounding the house were created in the first half of the 19th century by the First Marquess of Bristol. Those in the formal Italian style to the south of the house feature the Gold and Silver Gardens, a Victorian Stumpery and the Temple Rose Garden. A raised terrace walk separates the south garden from the park.
Beyond the church are the remnants of an 18th-century garden created by the First Earl. His summerhouse (circa.1703) and ornamental canal still survive. The kitchen garden, protected by high brick walls, is now a vineyard producing Ickworth wines

Question by koolbop56: Why do people breed mosquitoes? ?
I just don’t get it. They’re the most annoying things in the world and do no good, that I know of at least. I hate bees, but I understand breeding those for honey and whatnot… but wouldn’t it be better if mosquitoes DID become extinct? It as just a discussion I had with my friend and I would just like to know if there is a good reason for raising the little blood sucking demons.

What do you think? Answer below!

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4 Responses to Why do people breed mosquitoes? ?

  1. yes they are pesky but just like bees they are necessarry for survival of other important creatures, they all play roles! mosquitos are food for so many other creatures, like dragonflies, spider, frogs etc, and bees, they do soooo much more then just give us honey, if we lost those bees flowers trees etc would die, plants needs these bees for pollination,

    July 31, 2012 at 8:22 am

  2. hi,
    i agree that they are annoying 😀
    and as far as i know
    people breed mosquito larvae as food for fish
    hope this helps a little 😀

    July 31, 2012 at 8:31 am

  3. The short answer is we are trying to build a better mosquito. They are a ravenous pox made worse by the large variates of diseases they carry. If we can introduce diseases resistant mosquitoes we do away with most of the health problems they can cause. At lest on till some new even worse thing comes along likely caused by short sided meddling on our part. This is done largely by controlled breeding.

    July 31, 2012 at 8:39 am

  4. People breed mosquitoes learn more about them and what pesticides kill them the best and do the least harm to the environment. There are 2500 different kinds of mosquitoes in north america, but less then half feed on people. Only females feed for protein to produce eggs. An adult can live for 6 to 8 months. Despite rumors that have been spread mosquitoes don’t carry aids but they are known to carry malaria, yellow fever, dog heartworm, and viral encephalitis.

    Leigh Phillips
    July 31, 2012 at 8:50 am

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