Why do Ducks run away from home?

Filed under: Poultry |

raising ducks
Image by d3ffe
The most ducks spotted in one place on Sidgwick Site in, well, for ever.

Question by SHAWN: Why do Ducks run away from home?
We once had a pet, a duck raised from birth named Benjamin.He had most things a duck would want, food , a wading pool and Us (though we were not of his kind) he did seem to like us.

Well one day he just ran away and we never saw him again.We were all sad.

The next season we got another, duck named Cheap, Cheap
I lost track of this duck as I was being moved around.

This is a true story!

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3 Responses to Why do Ducks run away from home?

  1. yes because — while Ben was flying south for the winter a girl duck flew by – wiggled her tail feathers at him -they have settled down and now have lots of ducklings of their own

    September 27, 2012 at 12:56 pm

  2. Ducks are quite curious birds. They like to give different places a quack.If they dont like the suburb then they will just quack off.

    Sweet Jane
    September 27, 2012 at 1:12 pm

  3. I am wondering if your ducks were mallards. There the pretty color one– the male has a green head. It is there natural habitit to fly away once they are grown where they go mate and have families of their own. If you happen to live by the water, a lot of the time they will stay close by if you go out and feed them every day late in the afternoon.

    If you would like a duck to keep, buy a Pekin duck. They are the white ones. They stay with you and usually dont fly away. There more of a pet than the mallards. I know a lady who has her two Pekins so tame the sit on her lap and watch tv at night!! Sounds silly but there just like little ones to her!

    September 27, 2012 at 1:23 pm

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