Why didnt Media Matters cover the MSNBC cropping when panning a crowd at a tea party, focused on a man with a?

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Image by Cooking Up A Story
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Cronin Family Farm, Gettysburg, South Dakota: It’s cold and wet on the plains; winter is just around the corner! Dan Forgey has been managing this farm for 42 years. About 18 years ago he adopted a no-till practice—when a crop is harvested, its stubble is left untouched through the winter months until the next planting season, at which time seeds are planted right on top of the residue from last seasons crop.

Question by Loosid: Why didnt Media Matters cover the MSNBC cropping when panning a crowd at a tea party, focused on a man with a?
gun, said it was all racially motivated, but cropped out the man’s black face?

Where was Media Matters when that happened?? I mean Media Matters, right?
Save our Farms, would love to see a link to this.

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9 Responses to Why didnt Media Matters cover the MSNBC cropping when panning a crowd at a tea party, focused on a man with a?

  1. That guy said he was paid to show up. He said he didn’t want his face shown when they asked.

    August 13, 2011 at 8:33 am

  2. Nut jobs come in all colors.

    Proud Texan
    August 13, 2011 at 8:48 am

  3. Because Media matters is about pointing out the right-wing’s misinformation, not the left.

    There are other sites that only point out the left’s misinformation.

    From their “About Us” page:

    “Launched in May 2004, Media Matters for America put in place, for the first time, the means to systematically monitor a cross section of print, broadcast, cable, radio, and Internet media outlets for conservative misinformation — news or commentary that is not accurate, reliable, or credible and that forwards the conservative agenda — every day, in real time.”

    Kaito the anti-anti-intellectual
    August 13, 2011 at 9:44 am

  4. They also claim this ignorant Black man was from Arizona.
    We know you carry pistols in public.

    I think he was paid by 0bummer and his gang.

    Any one who wants to argue are full of it he was to black and a liar not from Arizona at all.

    Arafat BarryHussein PeanutFarmer
    August 13, 2011 at 10:41 am

  5. That would take away from the intent to paint tea party goers as racist rednecks. Can’t have that….

    And I’d like proof of him being paid to show up too. Either way…even if he WAS paid to show up, why wasn’t THAT covered? Hmmm…

    §§pecial Unicorn™
    August 13, 2011 at 11:28 am

  6. Save our farms is what Lenin called a “useful idiot”. She is obliviously uneducated and smoking the Obama crack to the point she will make up a lie to justify her warped blind love of all things Obama.
    Don’t waste your time on such people.
    MSNBC is the only truly transparent part of the Obama administration.

    x x
    August 13, 2011 at 11:54 am

  7. Because the objectivity of Media Matters is a hoax.

    Return of Bite My Shiny Metal...
    August 13, 2011 at 12:46 pm

  8. Yea I saw the same deal on Fox. The lady that was stirring up the trouble on MSNBC is Ms. Contessa. She did it on purpose and was standing there talking about how “white” tea party people were carrying guns that close to the president.

    Fox actually showed the same clip, but there’s showed the close up of the guys torso and then it zoomed out and you could see it was not a white guy, but an African American. Yo might remember this past week this is the same nutty lady that was talking with Rev. Jessie Jackson and called him Rev. Al.. Rev. Jackson told her he was Rev. Jackson adn then she said “I knew that”, I know yo are Rev. Jackson”, what a joke. Typical left wing lies1!!!!

    By the way I don’t blame the African American guy for bringing the weapons,not sure if you saw the four SEIU, thugs beat up the African American guy at the night rally. They were twice his size and an elderly white man ran over and pushed them back and stood over the guy. wonder if she reported that. Thanks goodness for a trust worthy news program.

    Probably find links to all of the above on Fox and the guy was not paid, PLEASE!!!!! Wonder how much they paid Ms. contessa, she needs to change her SSRI for sure.

    Have a great 2009!

    R J
    August 13, 2011 at 1:45 pm

  9. It is only important when it degrades, demotes or otherwise makes a conservative look bad.

    August 13, 2011 at 2:16 pm

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