Why are teenagers and young adults not accepting “treasures” of the past?

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Question by Dolphin-Bird Lover8-88: Why are teenagers and young adults not accepting “treasures” of the past?
Like those great songs by The Beatles, ABBA, Bee Gees, The Carpenters, Simon N Garfunkel, Elvis Presley,Tom Jones, Cliff Richard, Engel H, Shirley Bassey, Whitney H, Vanessa W, Celine D,?
Any other greats i may have left out? Most of the songs are considered evergreen and will surely last another 50years, if not another century. Will the new songs survive another 5 years just like technology changes that fast? Will the next generations reject lots of good things and values just for the sake of rejecting and want something vastly different? Will many descendants one day get “lost and confused”?

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14 Responses to Why are teenagers and young adults not accepting “treasures” of the past?

  1. cause its not cool! lol

    i like celine dion, whitney h, not too keen on cliff! lol

    im 21

    October 29, 2013 at 11:44 am

  2. Often people get tired of what they’ve had for a while, and they are ready for newer stuff sometimes.

    October 29, 2013 at 12:34 pm

  3. Because we’re focusing on the future….
    But i still love those artists! I’m 14, Elvis was amazing, Celine Dion is wonderful, The Beatles rock, ABBA was my childhood favourites and I actually own some Simon & Garfunkel cds!

    October 29, 2013 at 1:28 pm

  4. Techno music these days is generated by huge computers and has about as much worth as a disposable razor which is what I feel like using on my wrists when I hear that crap.

    People can’t write ‘proper’ music these days…..that takes talent and imagination.

    I’m bringin’ my two little guys up to appreciate music from the 50s, 60s & 70s.

    Techno burble is only fit for the trash…..

    October 29, 2013 at 2:00 pm

  5. because each generation of teenagers want their own style. i was a teenager in the 60s and we certainly did our own thing…the old songs are still there with the addition of many new and equally good ones, the 80s were especially good with bands like U2, INXS,REM, and countless others…

    October 29, 2013 at 2:32 pm

  6. I am 15 I tend to listen to older music.Not necessarily the ones you have listed above as they are not really to my taste.But I listen to Jimi Hendrix,Bob Marley, Led Zeppelin,The Beatles. etc. And I don’t tend to like the newer music being produced.To me it all sounds the same and follows trends.No one really wants to be different anymore.I personally can’t think of any songs or bands around now which will be listened to in 20/30 years.

    October 29, 2013 at 2:43 pm

  7. I’m 25 and grew-up listening to the contempry music on the radio, but also my parents taste in music – 60’s / 70’s
    {great radio station, Capital Gold!}

    At the age of 14 I started looking for more ‘Classic’ rock – both more from groups my parents had introduced me to, and ones I discovered for myself {I found Led Zeppelin & Guns N’ Roses by chance!}

    I also still like some contempory groups / singers, and have them in my collection, but the majority of my music is Classic – 1950’s ~ early 1980’s.

    My taste covers various genres, including Rock, Blues, Folk, Jazz, World and Classical.

    For me, very little modern music appeals ~ everything is either over-produced rubbish, or bland and durge-like.

    When I have kids, they will be raised on my music collection ~ there is so much in there that they’ll have dacades and genres galore to choose from!

    But who knows, by then music may have reverted back to how it was in the ‘old days’!

    I have cousins aged 13-16. They are only interested in what is ‘modern’. Most of what I like they refer to as ‘old’.

    The only exceptions to this are:

    one cousin says she likes Queen – because her dad is a fan. But she can’t actually name any of the songs!

    one decided to buy a The Who album, after watching CSI!

    October 29, 2013 at 3:23 pm

  8. So where are you with Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, Perry Como, Tony Bennett, Matt Munroe, Vic Damone, Dean Martin,….?

    October 29, 2013 at 3:28 pm

  9. because they have lost the conditioning to seek their roots, unlike in Africa, were culture still exist, knows what? i think man is runing too fast for a world that is round, and there will be a time when they come on a head collision and man will not know that what hit man is man,

    urdeen s
    October 29, 2013 at 3:51 pm

  10. Im 22 and i love some old music. ELO, Supertramp, UB40, Abba, Celine Dion but i also like modern day stuff

    October 29, 2013 at 4:02 pm

  11. Your “treasures” were once the “cool” thing. What’s happening to them is what happened to their predecessors.

    October 29, 2013 at 4:14 pm

  12. Well because we listen to George Jones, Merle Haggard, Waylon and Willie when we want TREASURES of the past. In other words, because you have the wrong section. Although not sure you could find a right section to call Celine Deion a treasure, but that is just my opinion. Let me ask you this though, did you listen to Big Band/Swing music and appreciate it? Tastes change and that is why these Treasures aren’t as accepted by the next generation.

    October 29, 2013 at 4:59 pm

  13. Probably cos they’re young and they know no-one likes their favourite music so it “belongs” to them. They’ll probably get into the older stuff later.

    Mind you, I hope they don’t get into Engelbert Humperdinck, Whitney Houston or Celine Dion – that stuff should be left to die quietly…

    Albert R
    October 29, 2013 at 5:58 pm

  14. i think its just the young generation in this country. i lived in America for 12 yrs. until recently and over there its the total opposite I’m 36 and grew up on 50)s 60)s music since i can remember because of my dad who,s a musician. in this country kids do mt respect there elders any more there like a bunch of sheep dress the same talk the same i.e listen to all the same crappy music there scared to be different.In the states at least where i was kids had a lot more respect and individuality and are encouraged to be themselves over the years i was there there i went to countless concerts, bob Dylan tom petty,Paul Simon ,willie nelson and the crowd was varied in age from 12 to 70. and most of the kids where i was absolutely loved the Beatles pink Floyd basically anything considered classic rock from days gone by. the likes of your Britney and 50 cent are far bigger over here than in there own country id never even heard Britney spears till i came back to this country and the American press practically ignore these fly by nights were the British press cant get enough of these so called superstars.

    Jason W
    October 29, 2013 at 6:51 pm

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