Which is the best holiday destination near Carlisle that has goats?

Filed under: Goats |

Question by michael r: Which is the best holiday destination near Carlisle that has goats?
Our kids are just crazy about goats so we are looking for some kind of farm holiday with goats in or around Carlisle but so far we have drawn a blank. Any ideas?

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3 Responses to Which is the best holiday destination near Carlisle that has goats?

  1. We stayed at a place that used to be a farm just outside the little village of Raughtonhead, which is only a ten or twelve minute drive from Carlisle. It’s a nice spot for a holiday and it has two lovely goats that I’m sure your kids will adore. The holiday properties are known as Hall Hills.

    December 5, 2013 at 4:39 pm

  2. Have you tried the Carlisle Tourist Information Office – they are very helpful and now that the holiday season is a bit lax, I’m sure they would enjoy the challenge of finding holiday accommodation with goats.
    There is (or was) and excellent publication called “Farm Holidays” (similar to the Good Food Guide), which your library should be able to get for you.

    Veronica Alicia
    December 5, 2013 at 5:07 pm

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