Where’s the balance of stimulus vs excessive?

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Image by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District
Familiar faces vie for table tennis glory

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District and URS Corporation have held ping pong leagues for several years and ultimately hold a championship tournament on the seventh-floor patio of their downtown Los Angeles office building.

This year’s Pingpong Extravaganza men’s championship was held July 26, featuring a chili dog lunch to raise funds for and promote membership in the District-sponsored Toastmasters club.

“Another great year,” said Ed Louie, member of Essayons Toastmasters Club 988 and One-Alarm Chili chef. “We had some scheduling issues, so only the men’s final was held today.”

In the men’s division, it was an all-District final as ACE-IT contractor Bee Cha won three sets to one against David Coltharp of the asset management division.

Corps vs. Corps lined up as the women took the table on July 31. Perennial finalist and 2006 champion Rosa Ramirez, programs and project management division lost a hard fought battle to Roxanne Vidaurre, engineering division.

This fun rivalry got its start when Ed Louie attended a Toastmasters meeting in URS’ conference room and noticed a ping pong table in the patio area. A URS Toastmasters member asked him if he would like a quick game after the meeting. After the match, the two decided it would be fun if the district and URS challenge each other to a friendly ping pong match. From that point in 2006 to present, it’s two wins for URS men and five wins for the Corps men. For the women, its four wins for URS and two wins for the Corps women. The Corps is looking for future men and women players to join.

“If this year is any indication, the men and women of the Los Angeles District and URS Corporation will continue this friendly challenge, and I may have to add another ‘alarm’ to my chili,” added Louie.

Question by Underdog: Where’s the balance of stimulus vs excessive?
I see some dollar totals on the stimulus plan and can’t help but wonder what’s really needed & do they really cost that much. I agree with many, but wonder why they’re getting attached to this bill:

50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts
380 million for Women, Infant, & Childrens program
300 million for grants to combat violence against women
6 billion for university building projects
1.2 billion for youth ( up to the age of 24 ) summer jobs
4.2 billion Neighborhood stabilization activities
650 million Digital TV coupons
150 million for the Smithsonian
34 million to renovate the Dept. of Commerce headquarters
500 million for improvement projects fot the National Institute for Health facilities
44 million for repairs to the Dept. of Agricultures headquarters
350 million Agriculture Dept computers
88 million to help move the Public Health Service into a new building
600 million to convert federal auto fleets to hybrids
1 billion for the Census Burea
89 billion Medicaid
30 billion COBRA extensions
36 billion for unemployment expansions
20 billion more food stamps
850 million AMTRAK ( when will they ever make a profit? )
87 million for a polar ice breaking ship
1.7 million National Park System
55 million for the Historic Preservation Fund
7.6 billion Rule community advancement program
150 million Agricultural commodity purchases
150 million Producers of livestock, farm raised fish and honey bees
160 million for paid volunteers at the Corporation for National Community Service
6.2 billion Weatherization program

“Green” programs are too numerous to list!

Add your own answer in the comments!

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One Response to Where’s the balance of stimulus vs excessive?

  1. in this case, there is no balance.

    September 6, 2012 at 10:57 am

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