Where in the United States is duck raising most important and why?

Filed under: Poultry |

raising ducks
Image by wallyg
Asparagus, duck egg, potatoes, and sea urchin bottarga

Incanto, located at 1550 Church Street, was opened by Mark Pastore. In 2003, Pastore hired a new executive chef, Chris Cosentino, as executive chef, and Incanto immediately earned the Cali-Italian restaurant a three-star review from the San Francisco Chroncile. Consentino, raised in an Italian American community in Rhode Island, is noted for his offal dishes. In 2007, Chris started selling sausage under the name Boccalone: Tasty Salted Pig Parts. He was a competitor on The Next Iron Chef and Iron Chef America and hosted the Food Network program, Chefs Vs. City. Incanto was featured on the Travel channel shows No Reservations with Anthony Bourdain, Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern, and The Layover, and the Food Network show, The Best Thing I Ever Ate.

Question by OK Faith: Where in the United States is duck raising most important and why?
This is for my daughters class project and we are stumped. Thank you!

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One Response to Where in the United States is duck raising most important and why?

  1. The most common duck meat consumed in the United States is the Pekin duck. Because most commercially raised Pekins come from Long Island, New York, Pekins are also sometimes called “Long Island” ducks, despite being of Chinese origin.

    good site about ducks

    William R
    August 13, 2012 at 2:53 pm

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