Image by jpmiller
Question by belladonnadeadlynightshade: Where do humans fit in the natural world? How do we fit into the natural world?
Where do we fit in the big picture? How do we fit? How do you know how and where we fit, what tells you?
For example if you have a religious view it may/may not be different to somebody with a scientific view of the world.
So where is humanity’s place in the natural world?
Add your own answer in the comments!
We are suppose to be the more intelligent of the species and rule over the animals. But we are mostly stupid and miss treat animals thinking were something better then them. But over many years we have become stupid and an insult to our long ago ancestors. We are too crupt and obessed with pointless things in life that when thought on make no sense at all.
level ?? assassin
November 24, 2013 at 7:38 pm
I do not believe in a god, so my perspective might be very different to most others on here.
I believe that we fit almost anywhere in the natural world. The air you breathe, the water you drink, the trees, the birds, the fish, the soil and the sunlight are all part of the same ecosystem and all depend on each other for life.
The thing is, we need to respect nature. (which is obviously not happening) We need to realize the phrase “what goes around comes around” or “karma”
e.g – People are so corrupt, have no concern about other people let alone nature. We destroy our environment regardless of the consequences and now mother nature is retaliating…. Tsunamis, Earthquakes, Tornados, Climate Change etc.
Just because we can fit into any part of the natural world doesnt mean that there are no rules. Its the same as staying in someone else’s house. We might fit in but we obviously have to follow their rules or we might get kicked out!
Check these sites out for more in-depth info:
November 24, 2013 at 8:16 pm
. Humans ‘fit’ in exactly the same place that the Dinosaur fit. We’re all here by accident, on a rock that has exactly the right conditions to produce us.
Science tells me that it took 4 Billion years of evolution, plus a couple of asteroids 100 million yrs ago to stir up the ‘soup’ to fit humans into this picture.
We have NO ‘place’ here except to have a little fun before our light flickers out.
November 24, 2013 at 8:37 pm
On the mountain slopes in Colombia is one place
The Kogi who have lived in a Permaculture manner for a thousand years
And in many other places where people still live in traditional sustainable manner like the Aborigines,or other Aboriginal people ,such as in Borneo or the northern Amazon regions
But i guess you meant another kind of WHERE
.and i don`t really know apart from individual mountain men or hermits around the world that have blended with the Environment with out making a dent in it.
The answer for modern Man is that we do not ,we exchange Nature for Concrete ,tar or mono culture farming consuming the natural world.
Philosophies like Permaculture teach us HOW we can live side by side with the Environment or hand in hand with Nature as a partner instead of competing for space,;_ylt=AvwzVgiEYEuCyWR5maE2O0_sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20070621234541AAcarVJ
In which case Nature profits from our protection and sympathetic attitudes,but still looses some ground along the way
I really liked William McDonough: concept in
The wisdom of designing.
where by we live Underneath a natural world even though it be Agriculture.
Philosophically or religiously speaking i like the concept of an overall Pagan garden Culture.
turning the whole joint into a Paradise ,living partly under the ground in hobbit style houses,
with home made bread ,cheese,wine and scantily clad fruit picking women running all over the place and the odd chocolate factory
with out the internal combustion engine
travel by balloon ,schooner or a horse and buggy ,
And if we limit our numbers we can become a kosher component in the eco systems being part of the concept of natural sustainability and equilibrium just like any other earthling,
We can be designers of some small sections of Nature. ,maybe even improving it with water harvesting by putting in more dams, as well as soil building and combating natural erosion,by planting living barriers on slopes
Whilst living in a garden our selves on the edges of the wilderness
Presently we fit in by ownership, may it be government or private
which protects vast areas,and our money helps to protect other areas
But mostly we do not fit in because much of that money is made at the cost of the environment in the first place
Or civilization destroys in all the other ways ,because of pollution,agriculture ,expanding settlement because of over population ,deforestation subsequent desertification
all with out any protection from any quarter.
to me the garden culture and agro urbanism is the answer,to us continuing with the natural world ,and having a place
We can build large ,super modern, high rise GREEN settlements surrounded by agriculture or nature .
with all the comforts modern technology has to offer
like a huge human cells, for the city folk
I prefer to be near the roots of the grass and the life that comes with it .
that was about 5 questions into one ,
please try to be simple to match my mind
wonder what warranted the thumbs down
was it the fruit picking women
Byderule Permaculture
November 24, 2013 at 8:44 pm
Ask a Native American
November 24, 2013 at 9:23 pm