Where do all the turkey eggs go at turkeuy farm? And do not tell me they do not lay eggs or they do not lay eI?

Filed under: Poultry |

Question by femslave: Where do all the turkey eggs go at turkeuy farm? And do not tell me they do not lay eggs or they do not lay eI?
Do not tell me turkeys do not lay eggs,or they do not lay eggs as often as chickens. I raised turkeys and we had eggs everyday. We had about 10 turkeys and we got about six or maybe more eggs everyday. They are better for you and are high in protien. Why do the stores not sell Turkey eggs in the store.

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5 Responses to Where do all the turkey eggs go at turkeuy farm? And do not tell me they do not lay eggs or they do not lay eI?

  1. Well, the answer you don’t want seems to be the correct answer: they don’t lay as many eggs. And even if one turkey could equal one chicken for egg production, the turkey weighs several times as much, needing more space and more food.

    Also, turkey hens for eating are slaughtered at about 14 to 16 weeks. Egg-laying chickens can keep going for a year, maybe even two.

    June 9, 2012 at 12:48 pm

  2. What kind of turkey farm? There are breeder farms and there are farms that raise turkeys for meat. At the breeder farms, they keep only breeder flocks, they take the fertilized eggs and hatch them. that is why there aren’t any turkey eggs in the grocery store. All the good eggs are hatched, not eaten. And actually turkeys don’t usually lay nearly as well as chickens. You might get 6 to 10 eggs from a dozen turkey hens in the spring and summer but they usually stop laying in the fall and winter. Now, from a dozen good chickens you should get an average of 8 or 10 eggs a day, all year long. Chickens also eat much less than turkeys, yet lay a similar sized egg, so it’s more profitable to sell chicken eggs than turkey eggs.
    That being said, if I raised turkeys I would eat turkey eggs too 🙂

    At farms where they raise turkeys for meat, the turkeys are processed before they are old enough to lay.

    June 9, 2012 at 1:11 pm

  3. Personally I love turkey eggs but here is the thing. Chickens are now so widespread what would we do with all the chickens if turkey eggs caught on. And to supply everyones needs we would have to breed so many turkeys we wouldn’t have any eggs to sell. So it’s just easier to keep it as it is . It is a bit like different types of fish. Another thing is that if no one likes them places will lose a lot of money.

    June 9, 2012 at 1:57 pm

  4. The fact is that turkeys have a distinct breeding season and lay a clutch of eggs during that time. Chickens can lay an egg just about every day of the year. That is because chickens originated from Asian bamboo forests, where the bamboo may suddenly die en mass but where bamboo seeds can be a super abundant food source. Animals that can feed on the seeds can take advantage and reproduce explosively, as mice, rats and chickens can do in such environments.

    “The wild turkey’s breeding season starts in February in southern regions and occurs in April or May farther north. The birds’ urge to breed is triggered by increasing daylight hours, which stimulate the sex hormones of the toms. Cold and rainy weather can delay the onset of mating. Conversely, unusually warm weather in February or March can speed up the breeding ritual.”

    There is no reason for a turkey to lay eggs every day, if it has a definite, annual breeding season. Laying unfertilized eggs during the non-breeding season is maladaptive because it accomplishes nothing except to waste energy for no good reason.

    Cal King
    June 9, 2012 at 2:21 pm

  5. xx

    Clair Code
    June 9, 2012 at 2:34 pm

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