where can you buy Alpine goats?

Filed under: Goats |

dairy goats
Image by carolynhack
Baby goats, 4 days old! (Commentary by Soren)

Question by Somebody Sdsfgf: where can you buy Alpine goats?
i am looking for Alpine goats in Washington state i live in the city of Milton and i am looking for a store or a seller that sells them at a good price also that the goats are not neutered and or spayed i don’t want them as meat goats but for dairy goats please answer back with no hate answer if you do not have any good thing to post then don’t please?

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2 Responses to where can you buy Alpine goats?

  1. Look up the Alpine goat association and they should have a list of breeders in your area. Good Alpines aren’t cheap though, so plan on spending 200-500 dollars a piece.

    June 16, 2013 at 4:31 am

  2. I would look on Craigslist to see if anyone has posted an ad in your area – just be sure to visit the goats at least once before you buy to make sure you’re getting healthy animals. You can also join an online Yahoo! goat group, such as Goats_101, and post a wanted ad – usually people there are willing to help out.

    You can also contact any local goat 4H groups, or go to a local fair/goat show and look for breeders.

    Does (female goats) can cost anywhere from $ 100 to $ 500.

    Do not get bucks (intact male goats) – bucks stink and can be aggressive, plus they can be difficult for a first-time goat owner to handle. Since you want dairy goats, start out with either a couple of does or a doe and a wether (castrated male goat). You can bring your does to someone else’s farm to breed them – that way, they can have kids without you having to take care of/pay for a buck all year long – you only need to pay the stud fee.

    June 16, 2013 at 4:55 am

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