When the Adminsitration lies…do Liberals care?

Filed under: Bees |

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Image by wallygrom
Menyanthes is a monotypic genus of flowering plant in the family Menyanthaceae containing the single species Menyanthes trifoliata. The name Menyanthes comes from the Greek words menyein, meaning "disclosing", and anthos, meaning "flower", in reference to the sequential opening of flowers on the inflorescence.

Menyanthes trifoliata occurs in bogs and marshes in Asia, Europe, and North America. The North American form is often referred to as M. trifoliata var. minor Michx. It is known in English by the common names bog-bean and buckbean, and in German as Bitterklee or Fieberklee.

From the following website –

Irish name – Báchrán
Bogbean family – Menyanthaeae

The bogbean is an aquatic or bog plant, hence the “bog” part of the name. The three shiny, smooth-edged leaflets on the plant (look at the Latin name “trifoliata“, which means three leaves) look like the leaves of a bean plant, hence then name “bean”.

Bogbean flowers between May and July, with feathery, star-like flowers – pink on the outside, white on the inside. Multiple flowers occur in groups (racemes) at the end of the flower stalk. These, and the leaves, raise themselves up on long, thick stalks to avoid shade.

The bogbean flowers are pollinated by bees and butterflies, but the flowers’ rank smell also attracts beetles and flies. Its fruit consists of a capsule containing many shiny, yellow-brown buoyant seeds.

The bogbean thrives in moist, light places on most soil types and can be found in blanket bogs, raised bogs, fens and ponds throughout Northern Ireland. Although a native plant, it is not protected or threatened, and can be very common in the Northern Irish scenery, but its range has decreased due to the drainage of many of our natural wetlands.

An alternative common name, “bog hop” came into existance because of the use of the leaves as a flavouring in beer-making! The bogbean had many historical medicinal uses and is still used by modern herbalists. The leaves were used for tea to strengthen weak stomachs, and the plant was also used against tuberculosis, heart problems and asthma. Native Americans also used the bogbean as an emergency food supply, but both the leaves and the root of the plant have a bitter taste.

Question by snoopy_0752: When the Adminsitration lies…do Liberals care?
So the administration claims they have “created” or “saved” 650,000. Do Liberals care if they lie and fudge the figures? What does it take to start distrusting this group of Socialist wanna-bees?

•The Southwest Georgia Community Action Council, which employs about 500 people in its Head Start preschool program, reported creating or saving 935 jobs with about $ 1.3 million in funding. Beverly Wise, the group’s fiscal officer, said she followed the advice of federal officials to come up with the number. “I thought it was high,” Wise said of the number she reported, adding that the process was confusing. The group is using its stimulus money to give a 1.84% pay raise to its employees and pay for other needs such as playground equipment and training for the teachers who serve 2,300 low-income children.

•Teach for America, which helps place recent graduates in teaching jobs in urban and rural districts, reported that a $ 2 million grant created or saved 1,425 jobs. Spokeswoman Kerci Marcello Stroud said officials used that money to pay part of the salaries of 125 employees; a separate $ 6 million allowed it to expand the training program to include 1,300 more graduates.

•The police department in Plymouth, Conn., claimed in its report that a $ 15,355 grant used to buy new computers had created or saved 108 jobs. The department had 22 law enforcement officers last year, according to the FBI. Mayor Vincent Festa said that the town has resorted to “counting paper clips” to save money but that it had no plans to lay off any of its police officers, even without the stimulus. He said he could not explain the report, and the town’s police chief did not return telephone calls Monday.


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