Whats it like to live on a farm?

Filed under: Goats |

goat farming
Image by BurnAway

Question by Horse_Luver: Whats it like to live on a farm?
I always wanted to live on a farm. And was wondering what is it like?
This was the suggested category btw. I know its probably wrong i didn’t know where else to put it.

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3 Responses to Whats it like to live on a farm?

  1. its fun! we wear overalls and grow crops!! you ever play farmville? yeah, think that but ten times better!!

    November 28, 2012 at 4:43 pm

  2. A whole lot of work but very rewarding and a clean, respectful and honest way of life.

    My BFF is a Pitador!
    November 28, 2012 at 5:36 pm

  3. its awesome!!!!!!!!!!! Lots of work! But fun! Its so peaceful! with the horses, dogs, gardens! soon to be chickens and goats! very excited about that!! this summer!!!! i like it. its a lot of work though but its really fun. Like its not all fun because i have to turn all the horses out, muck stalls with my friend then i have to throw hay, then i have to water the horses. bring the horses in. Theeeeennn after ALL that i get to ride. then after i ride (i usually go on a trail ride in the summer almost everyday!) then i have to water the arena. that is actually one of my favorite jobs because it is really relaxing/peaceful. because i have the arena doors open so i can listen to the birds while i water and i can listen to the water running out of the hose!! fun, fun!

    Work first ride later!! uhhhhhhh. but i enjoy it, i guess. really wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world!! I would hate to live in a city or something!! i need cows and horses and the woods and corn fields! no city for me! lol haha

    answer my question: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AuBHW2qNx3F9bwGTgbQRbXrsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100127184915AAtrNUB

    November 28, 2012 at 6:33 pm

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