What to do from anxiety/panic suffer that cant sleep?

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Image by de wan

Question by Cecilia: What to do from anxiety/panic suffer that cant sleep?
My anxiety has been keeping me up at night for a month and a half now and I don’t know what to do. I wake up every other hour and it takes me two some times four hours to go to sleep. Is there any natural supplements that I can take or remedies that will help? (I’ve already tried tea, goat milk, warm cow milk and reading)NOTHING is helping. I don’t want to take any generic drugs I would like it to be natural. thanks

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2 Responses to What to do from anxiety/panic suffer that cant sleep?

  1. There are two solutions.
    1. Join Yoga and meditation classes and learn all the techniques systematically.
    2. Know the reason or root cause for anxieties.

    If one is not having healthy, constructive, positive, pious and noble thoughts, habits and traits, it is difficult to avoid anxiety. Also one should build strong moral behaviors.

    Anxiety’s origin can be traced to illegitimate desires because of bad, poor, weak, dark or negative thoughts. Wrong desires throws our pure spirit outwards; love of the divine nature takes our pure spirit inwards. Our desires may be towards some sense objects or things or beings. If the desired object is not achieved, then the mind gets polluted, because of which frustration comes. Frustration leads to anger. Anger leads to infatuation. Infatuation leads to stress and strains, pulls and pressures, etc. All these land the individual in utter confusion. Confusion is the root cause for loss of memory. When loss of memory is there, there will be simultaneously loss of reason also. Thus one is put to insurmountable problems just because of a small error in the beginning.

    If we are able cut that root in the beginning itself (i.e. illegitimate desire), we are safe from all these problems, I think.

    As an additional precaution, it is better if one is able to remove all sorts of impurities or imperfections in the mind.

    December 4, 2013 at 4:28 am

  2. Cecilia, stress and anxiety can make your thoughts race and interfere with your sleep. Supplements containing kava kava, passionflower, lemon balm, lavender, chamomile, valerian, and hops can help both anxiety and insomnia. You might want to read detailed information about each of these herbs to decide which one is the most suitable for you.

    Centuries ago people who harvested hops noticed that merely plucking the cones of hops would make them feel sleepy after some time. Today we know that hops contain natural substances that can relax a person and induce sleep when inhaled or ingested. Similarly, valerian was prescribed for insomnia by Galen, an ancient Roman physician.

    A combination of valerian and hops might help you. The results of a randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial indicated that a combination of valerian and hops improves the quality of sleep in insomniacs. Sleep improvements with a valerian-hops combination are associated with improved quality of life.

    I would also suggest a simple relaxation technique that might help you to sleep. Here it goes: –

    Lie down comfortably and close your eyes. Take long, slow and deep breaths and become aware of all the muscles in your body from your head to your toes. When we are anxious or going through stress, our muscles become tense. Pay attention to your body and voluntarily relax all the muscles of your body. You may start from your toes and move on towards your head, or vice-versa. There might be a lot of thoughts racing through your mind — the trick is to drop them one by one by concentrating on the cycle of your breathing. As soon as a thought pops up in your mind, just say to yourself, “oh well,” and drop that thought. Every time this happens, do the same and return the focus of your attention to your breathing. Though it is not necessary, but if it helps you, you might repeat a word or a phrase in your mind whenever you exhale. It could be any word or phrase that you wish, e.g. “relax” or “calm down” or “inner peace”, etc. As you do this, you’ll begin to feel calm, and relaxed. In about 15 to 20 minutes you will be drowsy and asleep.

    Morpheus Zobovic
    December 4, 2013 at 5:22 am

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