What should I use to heat up my solar water heater? My Science fair is indoors so waht should I use?

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solar water heater
Image by Tom T
It leaked everwhere 🙁

Question by Kunaal G: What should I use to heat up my solar water heater? My Science fair is indoors so waht should I use?
My science fair is indoors and i have to find a heating resource which will heat up my solar water heater. Any Suggestions?

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2 Responses to What should I use to heat up my solar water heater? My Science fair is indoors so waht should I use?

  1. A heat lamp, like they use in restaurants to keep the roast beef hot.

    People would realize the lamp is similar to the sun, so it would be appropriate.

    September 30, 2011 at 6:57 pm

  2. It’s more important to show how it worked in the actual sun, than demonstrate your device at the actual science fair. I would put your solar heater in the sun, and take pictures of it. A picture of steaming water coming out of it would be impressive, but also, take thermometer readings over time, and put up the data on your display.

    September 30, 2011 at 6:59 pm

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