What should I feed week-old baby chickens?

Filed under: Poultry |

feed chickens
Image by terriem

Question by me, myself, and I: What should I feed week-old baby chickens?
Right now, all I’ve been feeding them is ground chicken feed (pretty much unlimited). The first few days, I tried giving them cut-up boiled eggs, but they didn’t seem to eat it. Now they are about ten days old. Should I be giving them any other food? Should the chicken feed be in limited amounts?
What are chick crumbles?

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4 Responses to What should I feed week-old baby chickens?

  1. you feed them chick crumbles,unlimited water and food,make sure you dont have them on a slippery surface or they can get spayed legs,and you will have to correct it,but pretty much what you have been feeding them,and unlimited,when they get older,you can limit them,but as they are growing,its best to keep it unlimited….

    EDIT:chick crumbles are pretty much just chicken food,only when water hits it,it turns to mush,you can get it at feed stores and stuff,just ask them if they have chick crumbles,they should know what it is,they cant eat corn or anything like that yet,you can give them crumbled up crackers and bread as a treat,but in order to grow they need the right nutrition….im not sure exactly how old they have to be before they can use grit,I think its a size thing,but they cant have corn and stuff till they can have grit..

    Real Deal CowGirl
    September 16, 2012 at 12:42 pm

  2. you can get Chicken Feed Starter from the any Farmers Coop or supply store. Its usually called Starter for the baby chicks. In a pinch you can use whole grains, ground down a little but not to powder. You can even use instant oats or baby food flakes till you can get the starter. Thats all they need. Dont feed them eggs. Thats not good, if they dont eat them they rot. Its not cool to feed a chicken, its own eggs… 🙁 Give them as much as they want to eat until they fledge.

    I Love My Pets
    September 16, 2012 at 1:09 pm

  3. chick starter from your local feed and seed store. you can also feed them a cooked egg yoke a day. high in protein and thats what they ate when they was born. make sure you get the medicated chick starter if possible.

    September 16, 2012 at 2:05 pm

  4. You don’t want to be giving them Layer feed, or feed for grown chickens, since they need more protein. So you should go to a feed barn, or a store that sells chicken feed, and ask for chick crumble. This will be their main source of food, for a while. You can also give them veggies, and fruit, they also like bread, in small crumbs. You can give them vitamin/mineral supplements in their water if you want.
    Hope that helps!

    September 16, 2012 at 2:31 pm

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