What should I feed my chickens?

Filed under: Poultry |

feed chickens
Image by Furryscaly
I know she looks 12 in this shot, but she’s not. It’s just a goofy angle or something…or maybe they were just really big chickens…

Question by Angie S: What should I feed my chickens?
I really want to raise all-natural chickens. Right now I let my chickens loose during the day on our 4 acre property. They are able to free-range but I am also feeding them corn, because I get this from my dad for free. Is this a healthy diet for chickens?

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11 Responses to What should I feed my chickens?

  1. Go to a feed store and see what they have on sale, and ask the advice of the cashier.

    July 15, 2012 at 6:54 am

  2. Feed them chicken.

    July 15, 2012 at 7:17 am

  3. any table scraps any natural food scraps that is not processed food. chicks will eat anything.

    chas s
    July 15, 2012 at 7:25 am

  4. Corn is good but most chickens also love melons like watermelon. Lettuce, cut up apples and black sunflower seeds are also good.

    July 15, 2012 at 8:05 am

  5. You can get an inexpensive mixture called Scratch Grains. Ask your local feed dealer.

    Poet G
    July 15, 2012 at 8:46 am

  6. I believe that this truthfully depends on what kind of chickens you are raising. For example we have a few laying chickens that we depend on for eggs, so we give them laying pellets. If you are raising your chickens for eating then you might want to feed them something different.

    July 15, 2012 at 9:10 am

  7. OH WOW!!!!!! My n’bor lady raises chickens, guinea hens, etc……Chix LOVE ANYTHING!!!!!!!!

    PLEASE keep ALL food scraps for them—-it’s like Thanksgiving for them—-they will eat ALL…..& my n’bor’s hens lay a gaz. eggs & r healthier than 1 could imagine—-OH, they LOVE potatoes…..eggshells—well, just like any bird, they love that…feed them all—they even love chocolate cake!

    PLUS—they love corn—veggies—chix eat ANYTHING! Oh, except for like green peppers….they LOVE RINDS of all sorts like cantelope, melon….you will have sooooo much fun w/ your chickens….they are so awesome! They will follow you around, they are adorable!

    And NO! My n’bor lady will never kill them to eat them…..they are to lay eggs & that’s it….that’s why we feed them like kings & queens!

    GOD LUCK! Don’t worry, chix eat alot & alot….

    July 15, 2012 at 9:55 am

  8. If u want 2 raise them natural, let them pick their food.

    July 15, 2012 at 10:36 am

  9. If you want healthy chickens who lay eggs, you really need to get them on a layer ration. I use Purina Layena crumbles, which contains no animal proteins. The scratch grains are really just a treat. The layer rations will include essential vitamins such as calcium. You probably also want to get them some oyster shell as as a calcium supplement. It’s great to let them free-range, they will get many tasty and healthy foods to eat, but I believe in keeping a balanced ration available at all times. The corn will just fatten them up. Good luck and enjoy your chickens!

    July 15, 2012 at 10:59 am

  10. poultry wheat is good you can also sprout it and the greens are good for them it is also cheap and they love it

    July 15, 2012 at 11:00 am

  11. I don’t think one needs to worry too much about a well balanced diet in free range birds,they pretty much work things out for themselves ,whatever else you give them provides variety & supplemets their foraged diet .Save all you can,table & kitchen scraps ,left overs with no further use at the table are also relished.
    When i shop for groceries i often get grain like wheat or corn,broken rice etc which are past their best & are sold cheap to pet fanciers,this is a nice supplement for chickens.

    dee k
    July 15, 2012 at 11:23 am

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