What should I avoid eating if I am lactose,fructose,and sucrose intolerant?

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Image by Slave2TehTink

Question by Par: What should I avoid eating if I am lactose,fructose,and sucrose intolerant?
What should I avoid eating if I am lactose,fructose,and sucrose intolerant?

I am 25, Male, and have been suffering digestive issues all my life. I finally got so fed up I went in for a full colonoscopy/endoscopy come to find out I an lactose, fructose, AND sucrose intolerant. Wow, I asked my doctor what that means. He gave me a list of foods for each one that I can’t eat but having all three is difficult cause usually some food may not have one but will have the other?

From experience I can tell you when it comes to dairy while milk, and ice cream really upset my stomach. Cheese and yogurt don’t? Why is that?

Fruit is not a issue for me since . Although when it comes to wine which I LOVE! White wine I do just fine, but red wine makes my insides want to die again why is that?

And I am still not sure what sucrose is, although if it has anything to do with candy and chocolate I can digest that just fine, but breads and carbs constipate me and make me bloated.

Any advice from a nutritionist or even someone who has all 3 would help — I am starving!!! For advice

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2 Responses to What should I avoid eating if I am lactose,fructose,and sucrose intolerant?

  1. All 3 are sugars.
    BUT, based on what you say you can eat with no problems, either YOU are wrong or the test results are!

    December 29, 2013 at 4:54 pm

  2. The reason most people are lactose intolerant is, because the milk in the store is so over processed, that is does not even resemble milk anymore. That is the reason you are ok with cheese and yoghurt, because they have enzymes. Try switching to raw goats milk. It is easier to digest since the molecular structure is smaller. I also suggest to get to know your blood type and check out the book “Eat right for your type” by DeAdamo. I don’t say it will cure you, but it may help. Did wonders for my family.

    December 29, 2013 at 5:36 pm

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