Question by JayLo: What online website, or catalog, can i buy fertalized mallard or pekin duck eggs?
I want to raise them….. but i cant find a website…… i only want 3. usually they are only offering 9 eggs and up…….. please post the website you found in your answer
OH! i just found a website……….its called! never mind! thx anyway!
Feel free to answer in the comment section below
Sorry, but I dont know of a single site that will sell you just 3 eggs. Its bad for business. But, more then likely if you buy say I dont know maybe 10 eggs, you will more then likely not have more then 4 or 5 hatch at the most.
The best site in my opinion for buying Ducks is Murray Mcmurrays Hatchery. They are very good, IMO.
January 4, 2014 at 9:33 am