What makes parents so special (click for more details)?

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Image by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District
Familiar faces vie for table tennis glory

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District and URS Corporation have held ping pong leagues for several years and ultimately hold a championship tournament on the seventh-floor patio of their downtown Los Angeles office building.

This year’s Pingpong Extravaganza men’s championship was held July 26, featuring a chili dog lunch to raise funds for and promote membership in the District-sponsored Toastmasters club.

“Another great year,” said Ed Louie, member of Essayons Toastmasters Club 988 and One-Alarm Chili chef. “We had some scheduling issues, so only the men’s final was held today.”

In the men’s division, it was an all-District final as ACE-IT contractor Bee Cha won three sets to one against David Coltharp of the asset management division.

Corps vs. Corps lined up as the women took the table on July 31. Perennial finalist and 2006 champion Rosa Ramirez, programs and project management division lost a hard fought battle to Roxanne Vidaurre, engineering division.

This fun rivalry got its start when Ed Louie attended a Toastmasters meeting in URS’ conference room and noticed a ping pong table in the patio area. A URS Toastmasters member asked him if he would like a quick game after the meeting. After the match, the two decided it would be fun if the district and URS challenge each other to a friendly ping pong match. From that point in 2006 to present, it’s two wins for URS men and five wins for the Corps men. For the women, its four wins for URS and two wins for the Corps women. The Corps is looking for future men and women players to join.

“If this year is any indication, the men and women of the Los Angeles District and URS Corporation will continue this friendly challenge, and I may have to add another ‘alarm’ to my chili,” added Louie.

Question by <>: What makes parents so special (click for more details)?
What makes your parents so special? Here are some of the most common answers:

1.Because they brought me to this world.

This world is a very cruel place, full of injustice, prejudice, a place where the rich and powerful get richer from ripping off the middle class and poor folks who only get poorer, why should we be thankful to those who brought us to such place?!!!

We all know that our parents did not risk their lives or endure unbearable pain to conceive us, all they did is to indulge in the ultimate pleasure known to mankind to bring us to this far from perfect place called the world.

2.Because they raised me and took good care of me.

When a couple decide to have children, the least they should do is to provide for them, and take care of them, so when parents raise their offspring and look after them, they’re ONLY doing their duty, NOT doing their children a favor.

As a child I was told to be grateful to my parents for the aforementioned reasons, however, as I grew up and learned about the birds and the bees and how tough this life is, I started to doubt these ideas, and eventually totally disagree with what I was taught.

So what do you think? Do you agree or disagree with me?

Please try to be objective, I know a happy child of a wealthy family would tend to disagree with me and vice versa.

Don’t get me wrong guys, I’m not saying we should disrespect or not love our parents.

Feel free to answer in the comment section below

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5 Responses to What makes parents so special (click for more details)?

  1. You are right in your answers.

    The world sucks, but parents have children because they still have hope.

    And it’s more than just the physical act of giving birth. A part of the parents’ hearts and emotions are tied up with their children or should be. I won’t get into those that have no natural affection for their offspring.

    Whatever a child experiences the parents experience it, too. Joy, pain, suffering, elation, depression, etc. and so on. Parents sacrifice a lot more than their children realize. They give up time, money, and their own wants and desires, to put their children’s needs and wants first.

    I just touched on it, but does this answer your question in part?

    October 2, 2012 at 2:43 pm

  2. I suppose your right but your love for them should be enough. I agree a parent has an obligation to their child until their 18th birthday. Yes a parent owes their child that as they chose to bring them into this world. But if a parent raises their child with a good perspective and a sense of respect then they wouldn’t have kids who ask questions like these. I hope I am raising my kids to be happy with having been born and never feeling like they owe me. Loving me enough to never ask me what is so special about me. I don’t claim to be special. I am going to be the best mother I can be and I expect my kids to be the best people they can be.

    Sir Loin Alot
    October 2, 2012 at 3:32 pm

  3. God tells us to respect our parents. With OVER 50% of the population (in America) being Christian, yes the 10 commandants will be widely known.

    October 2, 2012 at 3:36 pm

  4. 1.Because they brought me to this world.
    >> yes, parents indulged themselves in worldly pleasure and we’re the result of such pleasure. but, they have the option to use contraceptives in order not to have us or they could opt to abort us before we come out of this world. it takes courage, sense of responsibility and love for parents to bring their children out of this world. not all couple have this courage. some use contraceptives to avoid having babies. some women get pregnant but they choose to abort the baby. that makes our parents special. they might not be able to provide all our needs, but they are still there guiding and loving us. one more thing, mothers have put their lives at risk and have endured unbearable pain when they gave birth to us. if you’re a woman, you’ll know better when you give birth yourself. if you’re a man, wait til you see your wife suffer from such unbearable pain.

    2.Because they raised me and took good care of me.
    >> there are many orphanage out there where parents can leave their child and become free from all their responsibilities. they can also abandon their child anywhere if they want to. but they didn’t. despite having all the freedom the world can give when they were single, they still decided to keep us and to take care of us. they have options: they can either take us or leave us. the fact that they chose the former makes them special. a couple of weeks ago in our country, babies were found abandoned in a trash can, in front of a house, in a ferry, on an airplane, etc. if our parents didn’t love us, they should’ve done the same thing. but they love us, so they take care of us.

    we might not have a happy, perfect life but the thing is, we have a life to live. we should not put all the blame to our parents if we are suffering from a miserable life. we are responsible for whatever happens to us. if we aren’t well-off in life because our parents are poor, we can make it better if we just do the right thing. we can always do something to make our life better whatever our circumstances are. we just have to be positive in life. =)

    October 2, 2012 at 3:36 pm

  5. i see where you’re coming from, but please, try looking at the glass half full. life is what you make of it, it could be horrible or amazing, happiness is just a state of mind and it’s all your choice. you should be grateful to your parents, they raise you and are willing to do anything for you and are probably just about the only people on this earth who won’t ever betray you, scum you over, and will always love you unconditionally. that right there is enough.

    Alexis Marie
    October 2, 2012 at 3:56 pm

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