What makes it ALL RIGHT to take the LIVES of some certain ANIMALS while its WRONG to take the LIVES of others?

Filed under: Poultry |

Question by d4: What makes it ALL RIGHT to take the LIVES of some certain ANIMALS while its WRONG to take the LIVES of others?
You know what I mean..Its all right to take the lives of chickens, cows, pigs, lambs, turkeys etc..But it is considered INHUMAN to kill a DOMESTICATED ANIMAL?

Is it because we have EMOTIONAL connections with our pets that is NOT RIGHT? But its considered as OK if we dont have emotional connection with the animal? I mean if you had a BELOVED chicken or cow… you wouldnt really want to eat it… right?

Is this the same case for HUMANS? We dont really CARE if someone else is SUFFERING as long as we dont have emotional connection with them? But if its a LOVED one we’d do ANYTHING to make them feel better. Is this somehow connected with our ANIMAL INSTICT and SURVIVAL INSTICTS?

So therefore we CANNOT really achieve peace because deep down inside everyone of us is BORN selfish with their own hidden adgendas that probably contradicts someone elses hidden adgendas in life. Thus conflict.

I hope you understand what I mean..thank you for your time.

Have a good day! And comment.
PS: Oh trust me im no vegan or vegetarian… just curious. 😉

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13 Responses to What makes it ALL RIGHT to take the LIVES of some certain ANIMALS while its WRONG to take the LIVES of others?

  1. we dont raise the cats, dogs, to eat ( hopefully)

    I have raised a calf to cow and It was hard to take Bessie to slaughter

    Mopar Muscle Gal
    January 8, 2013 at 4:54 am

  2. Right and wrong is decided by each individual. Then the common decision is being justified by the society and thus law is passed down. The common human has such sense of empathy you described and thus it became right to hunt for food and wrong to kill your cherished ones.
    The fact that right and wrong is complicated is because not everyone feels the same about certain topics like murder of strangers, like you have said. And of course there are also groups of people who find it a sin to kill animals, like the buddhist monks. So if you are to live by your own justification, your own rules and they differ from the society, you will be outcasted or worse hunted like a criminal.

    January 8, 2013 at 5:08 am

  3. you must be a vegitarian get sum sustanance man and take off that hat. you give a bad impression to the people

    January 8, 2013 at 5:11 am

  4. Yes. Screw everyone and everything. If it will help me live i will eat it. But today is screwed and thats not worst of your troubles. Have fun living your live in a toxin full world. Toxins are everywhere now a days and in everything we use. We will all get cancer. We live in a nuculear waste dump. Grats to the government for not doing anything but let us die.

    Good job to Johnson and Johnson posioning your baby the first bath it gets. Come on keep out the harmful toxins. No more tears until you hit 67 and get cancer.

    January 8, 2013 at 6:10 am

  5. Some say its not OK to eat any animals some say all animals are fair game. It is a tenuous line of logic that defines which animals are OK and which are not since any designation of edibility will surely raise the objections of some group.

    We eat animals because of tradition, not ethics, and any designation of edibility is purely arbitrary.

    Duncan w ™ ®
    January 8, 2013 at 6:58 am

  6. Good question. On the human level, I have always wondered why people say “never again” to the holocaust, while it happens ever again and again. Perhaps you’re right, only with some emotional connection do we actually care. I like the way you think. Guess this means I can’t kill you now, Damn!

    January 8, 2013 at 7:17 am

  7. dogs and cats are higher on the pyramid of life

    January 8, 2013 at 8:11 am

  8. it’s not right to kill any animal as long as you don’t need it to survive=eat. and it’s true that we don’t really suffer when somebody we aren’t emotionally bound suffers or dies, and if we care about it, it’s just because we know that if it happened to that person I can also happen to us/our beloved ones. and, again, it’s true that people are born selfish, not entirely, just a little bit: it’s called survival instinct

    January 8, 2013 at 8:51 am

  9. Its about personality, you cant eat something with personality, unless its a duck but ducks are the exception to all animal eating rules. dogs got personality. personality goes a long way. If a pig had as much personality as a dog we wouldn’t eat pigs either. we can’t eat tuna because dolphins are getting caught in the net, dolphins got so much personality and that it stops us from eating the tuna too and thats some tasty fish. mmmm. tuna.

    January 8, 2013 at 9:51 am

  10. Pretty simple really.

    It’s the law of the jungle and the law of the tribe.

    The law of the jungle is…Well, there is no law. In the jungle it’s kill or be killed. You can kill and eat anything you can. A lion or bacteria does not ask permission to kill a human, if they want to do it, and can do it, they do it.

    The tribe on the other hand is a cooperative. Law and morality govern behavior between tribesmen.

    There is no Right or Wrong in the jungle, there is only can or can’t do. Right and Wrong apply only to treatment of tribe members.

    Cows, pigs and sheep are domesticated, but they are not family. They are not in our tribe. So we can do what we want with them. Dog and Cats however are family. They ARE tribe, and so we feel it is Wrong to eat or mistreat them.

    Emotions, in particular Love, is what forms the tribe. So yes, the emotional connection is what creates our sense of right and wrong. Many Vegans Love all animals, and so think eating them would be wrong. Nazi’s didn’t think Jews were tribesmen, and so felt perfectly at ease exterminating as many as possible.

    Kill a tribesman you’re a murderer. Kill an enemy of the tribe, your a hero.

    Life is a competition. For every meal you’ve had something had to die.

    Love did not evolve to end conflict; it evolved to make us better competitors. Our chance of survival goes up when we act as a group.

    Love is NOT unselfishness, it is extending our sense of self around a group, individual Self Interest or Selfishness is replaced by group Selfishness. We ‘Love’ because it is in our best interest to do so.

    Peace is achievable, but like Love, most people don’t really understand what Peace is. Peace means you control the violence. It means you can eat anything you want, and nothing can eat you. Picture a peaceful midwestern farm. The farmer can kill and eat the animals as he chooses. If a predator like a bear showed up, the farmer would shoot it. Police, trained in violence prevent wayward tribesmen for trespassing on the farm. Soldiers, trained in violence, prevent other tribes from taking the farm. The farmer and his society control the violence, and so are at peace.

    JFTR. Life’s agenda, to eat, reproduce and defend itself, is not hidden. Hidden agendas usually involve an attempt to cheat the social contract. Because it is self interest that creates the society, we are frequently tempted to act in our own self interest at the society’s expense.

    Phoenix Quill
    January 8, 2013 at 10:29 am

  11. Interesting perspective. I believe it started when Cain killed Abel. It has been downhill since for the human race. We must all remember why we are really here on Earth.

    January 8, 2013 at 11:17 am

  12. Great question.

    It is never right to take the life of any animal. But if we eat meat, we do. How can we justify this? Millions of different arguments but I won’t justify it because I don’t think I morally can. It is a choice which ignores the pain and suffering of the animal.

    Eating meat is becoming increasingly harder for me, I haven’t eaten it in over a fortnight. Why? because I have been revisiting my young adult (vegetarian) values and re reading the books I read then. The smell of meat cooking is making me feel sick. Why Now? Re-awakened Consciousness.

    Emotional connection to pets: yes we are human we all develop emotional connections to other living things. Again you are right we should treat all animals with respect

    I don’t believe that we are all born selfish. Most people do care when someone else is suffering, but you are right, when we have an emotional connection to them then it is even harder to deal with.

    I do not think it is survival instincts. Sometimes I think we credit other people we are close to with qualities that they do not have. Our love for them makes them seem more ‘perfect’ than they can humanly be because of our connection with them. We excuse harmful behaviour, we minimize it, ignore it. This helps no-one and eventually hurts everyone close, far more than dealing with.

    Let me give you an example: My daughter feels really insecure in one of her friendships. They fell out recently and trust was totally broken. Her friend makes arrangements to go out and then cancels them at the last minute. My daughter gets angry and then does the same to her friend. Now the only way to move forward is for one of them to ‘challenge’ the situation. Once they are being honest with each other again new trust can really be built. Neither will challenge, they are scared to risk the outcome. If they don’t then their friendship will die anyway.

    I don’t think we are born selfish, I don’t believe we have hidden agendas I think conflicts usually arise when we have misunderstood the other person’s intentions and beliefs. I think conflict arises when we are not honest with ourselves about the part we play in conflicts. I think in crisis we make changes that we need to make that we dare not risk in non crisis situations.

    I think we can really achieve peace but it takes some work. The biggest thing in any human relationship is Trust. When we really trust those we are emotionally close to then that for me is peace.

    belladonna d
    January 8, 2013 at 11:52 am

  13. Why is it alright to kill some people but not others ? Same answer – convenience.

    Bruce M
    January 8, 2013 at 12:36 pm

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