What kitchen gadgets do you use all the time?

Filed under: Poultry |

Question by CAMILLE: What kitchen gadgets do you use all the time?
I love my toaster over that is also a broiler, and convection oven.
My Microwave that is also a convection oven too.
I have a little mini chopper that really is handy and helps me do little prep work for meals that other wise would take longer.
I use my Crock pot for cooking so many things. I am so grateful to have it.

How about you?

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13 Responses to What kitchen gadgets do you use all the time?

  1. The simple bottle/can opener. Small and easy to store, darned inconvenient if you do not have one. 🙂

    November 20, 2013 at 11:12 am

  2. Microwave… Hand Can Opener… Toaster… 🙂

    Joseph the Second
    November 20, 2013 at 11:17 am

  3. Can opener, first of all! But after that, I use my food processor a lot, and a bread machine that someone gave me much more than I thought I would.

    November 20, 2013 at 12:10 pm

  4. Honestly, my very favourite thing is my best knife!

    I love so many of the little things I have gotten by Pampered Chef also. My mom bought me an assortment of handy items a few years ago and I am hooked:

    liquid/solid/ measurer…
    pizza stone (great for croissants, biscuits, cookies, etc)
    garlic press

    I don’t really use too many electric appliances…

    a girl in the world
    November 20, 2013 at 12:56 pm

  5. I loved to cook, all my kitchen gadget I used it regularly when I am cooking.

    November 20, 2013 at 1:36 pm

  6. My springy egg beater
    A grapefruit knife (every day)
    omelet pan
    hot dog toaster (has holes for hot dogs and bun holes too. It toasts the hot dogs, and buns, they pop up when done)
    knives and jelly boards
    crock pot(s)
    rotating covered pizza cooker
    stand alone convection oven
    waffle stix cooker
    mini george rotiseree
    outdoor barb que grill
    mr. coffee
    rice steamer

    just visiting
    November 20, 2013 at 2:20 pm

  7. Mexican citrus press
    garlic press
    potato masher, the squiggly kind
    micro grater
    my best knife
    my fine strainer
    my good wooden spoon.

    November 20, 2013 at 3:05 pm

  8. I think of those items as, “Small appliances” not gadgets.
    From my kitchen “gadget” drawer, the one I seem to be picking up all the time is my mini ice cream scoop. I use it for making drop cookies, chicken and dumplings, hush puppies, meat balls, scoops of watermelon, dipping yolk back into deviled eggs, single pats of butter, truffles, dropping batter for mini cupcakes or muffins, measuring out and spacing batter for waffles, making silver dollar pancakes, spacing batter for marble cakes, ice cream balls in a sherbet dish…….
    Yep, that little scooper is my best buddy.

    November 20, 2013 at 4:00 pm

  9. My rice cooker and my Rocket Grill have made many a meal. I also love my electric griddle and crock pot. I have lots of other gadgets, and have gotten rid of a lot too, but these seem to stand the test of time!

    November 20, 2013 at 4:57 pm

  10. kettle is very important…it saves so much on time.
    a sandwich maker is also great – you can be creative and put differnt types of fillings
    a blender….in the morning when i’m off to work …i throw in some fruits in the blemder along with some milk or yoghurt…its so healthy and quick…a blender can also be used to make amazing milkshakes, lemonades, sauces etc….

    lucky 6
    November 20, 2013 at 5:23 pm

  11. I use my microwave to reheat things, but I’m really not a “gadget” cook. Give me a good knife and some decent pans and I’m good to go.

    November 20, 2013 at 5:51 pm

  12. The kettle. When the water cools down, I store it in bottles for drinking.

    November 20, 2013 at 5:57 pm

  13. I dont use as many as I used to, as it is just us now, and dont need to cook so much.
    Also, our place is small and not lots of room for many gadgets.
    I use many electrical things, and also things requring no electricity, as you never know
    when the power will go out.
    I also love the trusted cookpot,
    only use the microwave to reheat things, as I dont like the change of taste of things or the rubbery textures that microwaves seem to change anything into > But great way to heat a cup of water, for tea. Yum.
    We eat mostly vegetarian, so dont need as many things to cook with.
    And we eat as much whole food eating as we can.
    Only way to go.
    But a good set of knives is always so very necessary.
    WE have read that even the simples smallest heating measures, take out much of the protective nutrieients that are in the food.
    So many things today then , that we eat raw , whole, and cold.
    Still good.
    Just takes time to get used to it.
    Full Gospel Shirley

    full gospel shirley
    November 20, 2013 at 6:48 pm

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