What kind of animals were on farms during medieval times or the middle ages ?

Filed under: Goats |

goat farming
Image by JustinDustin

Question by DrakesMyHomeboy♥: What kind of animals were on farms during medieval times or the middle ages ?
like goat, horse, rooster..ect. I need to know because I’m doing some kind of project for school.

What do you think? Answer below!

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4 Responses to What kind of animals were on farms during medieval times or the middle ages ?

  1. Are you doing something on agriculture? Every animal that you stated are the very same animals that were on farms in medieval times. But then again different people have different animals on their farms. Some farmers have rabbits on their farms. Some people actually have ostriches and emus.

    November 12, 2012 at 4:10 am

  2. They would have a pig, cow or chickens and an ox which would be used for ploughing the fields.
    Wild animals roamed the countryside, England still had wolves and bears in the forests and these could easily have taken any farm animals. The loss of any animal could be a disaster but the loss of valuable animals such as an ox would be a calamity.

    I have given you a web site that will give you further information about the lives of the peasant farmers in Medieval times.

    November 12, 2012 at 5:07 am

  3. It depended largely on where the farm was. Ireland, for instance, was almost entirely dependent on their cattle for sustenance. These cows would have been significantly smaller than today’s, but otherwise the same idea. Sheep were common, as their wool was used for cloth and their skins made into parchment for books. Horses only became common as labor animals in the later middle ages, as harness technology was improved to accommodate them. Oxen were used for ploughing and pulling carts. Poorer people rode donkeys or mules if they could not afford a horse. I actually haven’t heard much about goats, so I can’t help you there.
    Medieval people also farmed fish in man-made ponds in their villages as an alternative food source. The goose is actually a New World animal, so medieval farms would not have had geese on them.

    Jay A.
    November 12, 2012 at 6:04 am

  4. I’m reading a book now “Living and Dining in Medieval Paris” by Nicole Crossley-Holland, which is basically a discussion of a book written in the Middle Ages by the Menagiere de Paris. It has some really valuable discussions of which animals were kept in the townhouse, the country house on the outskirts of town and the major farm. A really valuable resource for what you’re looking for.

    November 12, 2012 at 6:08 am

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