What it is like to open a beehive?

Filed under: Bees |

Image by dulcie
The wild beehive on the house. The bees live in the walls, now.

Not bad for a digital zoom – I wasn’t going to risk getting any closer. The terrain and the inhabitants of that hive firmed up my resolve.

Question by Tigermoth: What it is like to open a beehive?
What is it like to open the inner cover of a beehive?
Is there a rush of warm air? What does it smell like?
What do you notice straight away, or most of all?

Give your answer to this question below!

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3 Responses to What it is like to open a beehive?

  1. Initially not much as the bees are down between the frames. Also you’ve smoked the bees and they are docile…sorta. If you move slow they don’t even notice you are there, they have work to do. Smell….smoke, wax, sorta slight honey (remember it is capped), hopefully no rot. Bees are fastidious, keeping their home clean inside. Temperature……if you open on a cold day it might be warm initially, but not hot. Heat is not good for hives, it melts the wax.

    April 26, 2012 at 2:40 am

  2. I heard its a rush

    April 26, 2012 at 3:05 am

  3. What is it like to open the inner cover of a beehive?

    like taking the top off of a box

    Is there a rush of warm air?

    only if its cool outside – then only the tips of your fingers feel it, its not large enough to reach your face

    What does it smell like?

    to me it smells like toast, not that it actually smells like it – that is what my stomach wants when i smell it, smells very faint of honey

    What do you notice straight away, or most of all?

    the condition of the combs, are they full enough to harvest, are the bees healthy, is the hive fit and active – is it time to separate, stuff like that

    April 26, 2012 at 3:53 am

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