What is the quietest kind of poultry-type bird?

Filed under: Poultry |

raising ducks
Image by St.VincentVolunteers
This photo was taken on the Gulf Beach of SVNWR several years ago. He was exhausted from a long migration flight, and was resting on the refuge’s Gulf of Mexico Shore. The primary goal of the purchase of St. Vincent Island 40 years ago (1968) was to provide protected resting and foraging habitat for migrating waterfowl. The purchase funds used by the US Fish and Wildlife Service were raised by the annual selling of Duck Stamps to Sportspersons.

Question by .: What is the quietest kind of poultry-type bird?
If you are experienced with poultry, what is the quietest type to own? Peafowl, chickens, ducks, geese, etc? My guess is a duck, but I’d love to hear what others think. I was interested in keeping a few chickens someday for eggs and occasional meat (no roosters, just hens) but I am told that some breeds are more vocal than others. Maybe ducks are the way to go?

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4 Responses to What is the quietest kind of poultry-type bird?

  1. I’d say a duck. Roosters will make noise throughout the day!! Geese just go mad when you approach them! Ducks are definitely the way to go!

    Jordon N
    August 12, 2013 at 1:10 pm

  2. Depends what type of ducks you get, if you are looking for quiet ducks then whatever you do dont get call ducks, they are very noicy. ducks are actually quite noisy and they need alot of water. i would suggest some bantams ( female if you want no noise) and these will also provide yu with eggs.

    Caz F
    August 12, 2013 at 2:04 pm

  3. There are no quiet poultry-type birds. Even hens, when laying, will scream and squawk.

    August 12, 2013 at 2:38 pm

  4. I have kept ducks, chickens, turkeys, pigeons, and my neighbors had geese.

    My sister and I got the ducks from a friend and they were very sweet. But, they also made a bigger mess then I ever saw from my chickens. As for the noise level they were just as noisy as the chickens. Ducks love water so if you don’t live next to a water source that your ducks can swim in or don’t feel like putting one up please don’t get ducks. Some breeds of ducks lay just as well as chickens but duck eggs do have a different taste. Our ducks were nice but never as friendly as our chickens.

    A few years ago my dad brought home baby turkeys. They were very sweet but were more difficult to raise then the chickens and ducks. None of our turkeys made it. My neighbor though did have four turkeys. I don’t know about turkey breeds but his white hen was a monster. His other three which were some brown breed were very sweet. Tom which he called the gobbler would follow you around and even chase after the care when you left. Turkey are not the best egg layers and I heard that their eggs are very strong tasting. They are good for meat but don’t grow very quickly. (You can buy meat turkeys but I am thinking you want them to be a pet also)

    Most of the geese I met were nasty fellows. My neighbors did have a gander named Oliver who was I think as sweet as geese get. He once allowed us to pet him. He never attacked up though. (We were young kids at the time and we constantly followed the little group of ducks and geese around at the creek.) I also don’t suggest geese if you don’t have a place for them to swim.

    Chickens are definitely my favorite poultry though. I have kept chickens for years and find that their noise level isn’t bad at all. I also love when the roosters crow in the morning and so do my neighbors. (If you neighbors don’t like the sound of roosters then you can keep hens). I found the chickens to be better pets then my ducks and my neighbor’s turkeys. My chickens follow me around the yard and love to be picked up and pet. They are also very practical birds to own. They lay eggs and are good for eating if you wish. Large breeds of poultry tend to be so much quieter then the smaller bantams. So I would suggest something like the Black Austrop (very good egg layers but tend to be very calm), Silkie, or Cochin if you want a good chicken pet. If you want a good egg layer and can deal with the noise I suggest Leghorns, and Rhode Island Reds (they don’t make as much noise as the Leghorn and they lay brown eggs.)

    If you do decide that you would like chickens to eat and lay eggs then Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Sussex, New Hampshire Red, Orpington, and Black Austrop are very good birds to own. If you wish to learn more about chicken breeds and abilities check out http://www.ithaca.edu/staff/jhenderson/chooks/chooks.html
    This site will even give you an idea on what the birds behavior and thence their noise level will be like.

    Peafowl’s are beautiful but unfortunately I have never owned one. My father says that they will leave and go live in the woods and that you can get in alot of trouble if this happens and someone finds your bird. I also don’t think they are very practical for the way I live anyway. But if they would work out for you that would be great.

    Hope this helps,

    rhode runner
    August 12, 2013 at 3:35 pm

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