What is a nutritious alternative to cow’s, soy, rice, almond, goat’s and sheep milk?

Filed under: Goats |

Question by healthy_mind30: What is a nutritious alternative to cow’s, soy, rice, almond, goat’s and sheep milk?
My toddler suffer’s severe allergies and I’m going crazy not knowing what to give her. I cannot give her cow and goat milk because she is allergic. Can’t give her almond milk, because she is allergic to nuts. Rice milk lacks a lot of vitamins and nutrients. I’ve been hearing so many bad things about soy, and she has been drinking that now. I am just terrified of all the negative research on soy. I do not know what to do. Please if someone can really help, I would love to hear your answer!
My toddler suffer’s severe allergies and I’m going crazy not knowing what to give her. I cannot give her cow and goat milk because she is allergic. Can’t give her almond milk, because she is allergic to nuts. Rice milk lacks a lot of vitamins and nutrients. I’ve been hearing so many bad things about soy, and she has been drinking that now. I am just terrified of all the negative research on soy. I do not know what to do. Please if someone can really help, I would love to hear your answer!

P.S she does not have an intolerance, but actual allergies!

Can you help? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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3 Responses to What is a nutritious alternative to cow’s, soy, rice, almond, goat’s and sheep milk?

  1. it sounds as if there may already be a fungal overload due to lack of immune sys balance of good bacteria.a good (probiotic or prebiotic)helps restore the digestive flora.only organic grass fed animal milk should be used anyway,raised without anti-biotics or growth hormones as that gets passed on into the milk etc from that animal and totally wipes out all the good digestive bacteria resulting in all sorts of med problems to us all inclu indigestion/allergies.look up rejuvelac and probiotics for health.ever tried coconut milk.

    dicky d
    September 17, 2012 at 4:26 pm

  2. Inability to digest to cows milk is not an an allergy, it’s referred to as lactose intolerant. Lactaid milk has no lactose. Soy milk is usually not tolerated well in kids, produces LOADS of gas making them terribly uncomfy. And you’ve obviously read about the concerns of soy, good for you for being concerned.

    Go read up about lactose intolerance and Lactaid products at:
    http://www.lactaid.com/ They sell lactaid at most grocery stores all over the US. We’ve lived on the East Coast and West Coast and have never had trouble finding it.

    We are an entire family of Lactaid drinkers, including the babies that have switched from breast milk to lactaid at 12+ months. Be sure your toddler has the RAST test (blood test) as frequently as your allergist recommends to see if they have outgrown any allergies, or gotten some new ones.

    Best of luck to you and your sweet sensitive baby!

    September 17, 2012 at 4:43 pm

  3. My son is allergic to all dairy including beef and veal, he goes anaphilactic just by being touched by a hand that held cheese 20 minutes prior to give you idea of reactivity.

    We used Rice milk, there are some vitamin enriched ones, but indeed used soy as it was enriched with same stuff more or less than cows milk.

    I focus on vegetables that contain iron, calcium (such as Broccoli etc) lots of fruits every day and patience.
    I recommend the magazine living without and the faan

    We are followed by a dr in the aLLERGY AND IMMUNOLOGY dept at the peidatric hospital here and they have a lot of ressources such as nutritionnist etc faan is also helpful lots of recipes

    September 17, 2012 at 5:40 pm

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