What is a good thing to give a speech about related to agriculture?

Filed under: Self Reliance |

sustainable agriculture
Image by jpmiller

Question by Trent: What is a good thing to give a speech about related to agriculture?

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One Response to What is a good thing to give a speech about related to agriculture?

  1. Sustainable agriculture. This is a new term in agriculture but it has been practiced for centuries – through crop rotation to name one method. What other methods are used so that farming can be sustained by the available resources.

    Farm runoff. Water is critical to agriculture but not all of it is used by the plants. The excess water runs into streams and rivers carrying pollutants from the farm Describe the pollutants, they include insecticide, herbicide, fertilizer, animal waste, growth hormone and antibiotics. How can this be controlled?

    November 20, 2013 at 5:54 pm

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