What good reasons are there for livestock production being sustainable?

Filed under: Self Reliance |

Question by Haley: What good reasons are there for livestock production being sustainable?
I know many “sustainable agriculture” types who say that we should grow mostly plants, or grain, and greatly lessen livestock production. However, I would say that livestock is one of the most important segments of agriculture for feeding a population, in certain cases. Aren’t some types of land not good for growing crops, therefore having dairy cows or meat animals, chickens, what have you, better for the environment than trying to get produce to grow on land that isn’t the best for that type of production? I’m talking about raising animals using pastoral practices here. Do you agree? Or are there any other reason you can think of why raising animals could be GOOD for the environment, sustainable ag.

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One Response to What good reasons are there for livestock production being sustainable?

  1. Agriculture is producing organisms or parts of organisms which are of use for men to survive.
    This definition includes “sustainability” that is a socialist term invented by the UN by Mrs. Bruntlandt, former prime minister of Norway.
    “The” environment does not exist because the word “the” implicates that it can be indicated where to be found. Environment changes as a person moves from one place to an other.

    Agriculture, and thus raising animals, is good as soon as it is profitable for the farmer. As soon as government is instituting laws and rules and policies that restrict profitable agriculture, it will not be “sustainable” anymore.

    Nature nor environment have problems with the presence of the organism “human being”.

    Hope it helped you.

    May 7, 2014 at 3:15 am

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