Question by k_erdahl: what gender of broiler chicken has better meat quality males or females?
we had females but they dont have as much meat on them as the males do but do the males have good quality meat like the females do? how about straight run? lets say we want to butcher them in 5 weeks and i get st run. approx how many lbs will the males and females be at that time?
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Meat quality depends more on feed and age at butchering than it does with male or female. Males are generally prefered for meat because they grow bigger, quicker, than females do. Corn feed is the preffered food for tastier birds.
The size at five weeks depends on the breed that you buy. You can expect that the male will average one quarter more than the female. So, if the female weighs in at four pounds, the males will be around five, five and a half. You can increase the butchering weight with increased protien feed, such as a twenty four protien percent game bird feed, mixed half and half with cracked corn.
However, I think most chickens are butchered closer to eight weeks, not five.
Good luck..
Theresa A
March 29, 2012 at 2:57 am