What feed can I use for: chickens, ducks, geese, and turkeys?

Filed under: Poultry |

broiler chickens
Image by evansent
Steak au Poivre with Kale and Sweet Potatoe Frittes

Gentle Jim Jowdy came over tonight for dinner and also to listen to my radio piece on KALW. Jim brought some Clark Summit Farm steaks and some kale. I had some sweet potatoes that were waiting to be used. We both kind of improvised this dish, and it came out really amazing.


2 Tbl sp butter
2 steak filets New York cut
cup of peppercorns, try and mash them up a bit so they aren’t all whole- but not ground up
1 shallot
1/2 cup chicken stock
bunch of kale
handful of pine nuts
dash of chile flakes
few squirts of lime juice
2 medium sweet potatoes

Cover filet with pepper corns
Melt butter in pan, sear filets for 4-5 minutes each side for Medium Rare over medium heat
Stick in pan and place in oven to keep warm
Add chopped up shallot and chicken stock to deglaze pan. Cook down until it becomes a bit saucy.

chop up with or without stems
sautee with some olive oil
add pine nuts, lime juice, and chile flake
put cover on to steam it up a bit
sautee for 5 minutes or so….

Sweet potatotes:
Halve sweet potatoe lengthwise, then widthwise, then quarter into large fritte pieces
Add to pot of water, and boil. Once you can stick a knife easily through it, drain and place in a non-reactive pan in an oven heated to 400 degrees. Add olive oil, salt, pepper, and cayenne pepper.

Everything was delish. The meat was not the leanest cut, but tasted amazing- just a like a grass-fed cow who has never known any hormones or antibiotics should taste! Try as I may, I haven’t gotten on the kale bandwagon. I’ll keep trying- I’m just not hot for it’s very special taste. The sweet potatoe frittes actually came out better than I thought- it would have been better if we could have cooked them for longer and they had gotten crispy. Jim suggested the broiler for that.

All in all, it was a 2 Yums Up dinner.

Question by mc1144: What feed can I use for: chickens, ducks, geese, and turkeys?
I am getting all poultry listed above and I want just one type of feed to give to all. I want to maintain all nutrients necessary for egg production(especially chickens) with out any other supplements, like oyster shells.

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4 Responses to What feed can I use for: chickens, ducks, geese, and turkeys?

  1. Hello
    The rule of thumb for chickens is that you can feed them all scraps etc. meat or non meat apart from their own species. They all will eat bread which you soften with water for chickens.
    So your food scraps are fine especially vegetables but all vegetable peelings are excellent and they will eat bruised fruit etc.

    October 6, 2013 at 12:47 pm

  2. Dont feed your chickens meat and scraps because its bad for them. Give them chicken feed or organic chicken feed. As for you other birds idk what food you should feed them. Bread maybe?

    Adam Z
    October 6, 2013 at 1:11 pm

  3. Just because they are birds, doesn’t mean you can feed them all the same thing. They have VERY different digestive systems, and very different nutrional requirments.

    If you want chickens to lay eggs, you’re going to have to give them a more nutritional diet. I would highly suggest any FRESH greens, not table scraps. Remember, you’re eating what they’re eating, essentially. For layers, their bodies are going to demand higher levels of calcium, proteins, and fats. You need a layer diet or a good broiler feed to support that extra demand on their bodies.

    DO NOT feed game birds bread. You can actually kill them this way. The bread fills up their stomachs and has NO NUTRITIONAL VALUE FOR BIRDS!! It’d be like you eating candy all day and wondering why you’re getting sick.

    I suggest doing more research on the particular birds you’re getting. If you can’t afford the right diets, you probably shouldn’t be getting all those animals. They shoudln’t suffer because you’re feeling cheap.

    October 6, 2013 at 1:50 pm

  4. they will all eat rolled barley or rolled oats and layers pellets the layers pellets will work on all of them

    Eamon Macdermott
    October 6, 2013 at 1:58 pm

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