Question by sayhello2mylittlefriend94: What farm animals make good pets, and why?
I want to move to a farm, but only for pet animals. I already know I’ m getting a pig, chickens, a goat, sheep, dogs, a horse, maybe a miniature cow. But what other farm animals make good pets? These won’t be for slaughter, and I’m not raising them to make money. They will be strictly pets and companions.
Feel free to answer in the comment section below
Ducks and geese.
Mo Fayed
December 7, 2013 at 4:55 am
Chickens!! There are many breeds of chicken with beautiful feathers, they are great for the farm because they eat bugs!
December 7, 2013 at 5:04 am
pond and ducks
December 7, 2013 at 6:01 am
Honestly, this is way funner and less hassling.
Gabe Reyes
December 7, 2013 at 6:27 am
Have you considered a donkey/mule? Mules are really good to have around for trail rides, showing and other things that horses are capable of. Donkeys have also gotten the reputation as being good guards for keeping farm animals safe, as well as a great companion. If you’re not looking to gain profit from the farms animals, have you considered possibly adopting some of them? You might want to look into a donkey or a mule as an addition to your farm
Krysten C
December 7, 2013 at 7:05 am
Apparently alpaca’s and llamas make really good pets, and also they ward off foxes who might eat the others! But I think that geese also do this, even though they will probably ward you off too lol.
Maybe a sheltand pony to go with the horse
December 7, 2013 at 8:00 am
i dont mean to be rude but do you know how to take care and tend to each of these different animals and their individual needs? many people move from the city into my county b/c they want to “experience the farm life”. but the animals suffer because of it.
also do you have the time and money to take care of all these animals? and to clean up after them.
December 7, 2013 at 8:57 am
It really depends on the money you have. Cows and horses can be up to $ 1000+ Per year. But they are very loyal . Sheep Are Great. And Chickens Produce Great eggs. If You Will Be Selling Eggs That Is Good. But Cows Like 4 minature cows will be good for harvest. Hope I Helped Any Questions? Email Me! Bye.
Lexi B
December 7, 2013 at 9:56 am