What does this dream mean?

Filed under: Bees |

Question by …: What does this dream mean?
I’m not sure what this dream means. Well, I have a few:

1) My social studies teacher took the class on a week-long trip to a graveyard where they raise bees. Everybody’s parents agreed to it. We went there and watched a movie about mixing alligator DNA to bear DNA to get a bearigator.

2) This boy pulls up to a party at my house. I thought he was my cousin that I haven’t seen in a really long time. I went and hugged him and realized it wasn’t my cousin, it was a kid named either David or Kyle. He started talking to me about how we’ve been together for 2 years. (i recognized him but idk who he is. he’s tall and blonde.)

3) I grew an eggplant and it was giant. It started walking and it went in an anthill. The anthill grew really fast and the eggplant exploded and killed everybody.

Usually my dreams are similar to something that happens later in my life if that helps at all?

and it was over a span of time (like a few years). i just have random dreams at times and i want to see if they mean anything. it’s not like they happen every night. actually, i barely ever have dreams like the first and third one.

the second one is probably because i want to meet someone like this. THIS IS WHY: i have had some issues with love and this boy (not in this dream), but i want to forget about him. the boy in the dream was caring, sweet, well pretty much everything i want in a guy. he loves hugs and he won’t go too far:) i just love it:) but i’ll probably never find a guy like this cuz they’re all pervs and don’t care about your feelings:( [no offense to the nice guys out there that i’ll never actually meet in my life]

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One Response to What does this dream mean?

  1. phhahahahahah @ Usually my dreams are similar to something that happens later in my life if that helps at all?
    when did the eggplant incident occur? it wasnt on the news….

    May 5, 2012 at 4:51 pm

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