What do you think Julia Gillards biggest class war biogotry worst hypocrisy is?

Filed under: Self Reliance |

Question by HerbalPhil Wellness Warrior!: What do you think Julia Gillards biggest class war biogotry worst hypocrisy is?
I have heart disease. My electric bill subsidises rich folks generating solar power yet I cannot afford to switch on the hot water heater? Why can’t I get a free solar electricity generator and solar hot water heater? It’s irrational bigotry Labor even dream they’re not fighting either a class war nor have environment credentials?

Surely at least solar energize housing commission homes? Why is Labor so pro rich elitest ideals I dont even own a Prada shoe to even loose at a racism riot I create?

Why is Labor so barking mad devoid of their ideals? Money?

What do you think? Answer below!

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One Response to What do you think Julia Gillards biggest class war biogotry worst hypocrisy is?

  1. She is Power Crazy and Will Do Anything to Save Her Job, Labour and the Working Man, What a Joke 🙁

    Brendan's The ENIGMA 1
    May 31, 2013 at 4:06 am

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