What can help my goat gain weight?

Filed under: Goats |

goat farming
Image by frank2037

Question by MoMo: What can help my goat gain weight?
I have had her for almost two months and she has only gained 6 pounds. The other goats on our farm have gained at least 10. One has gained more than 20…She eats alot yet gains hardly anything…Is there anything I can do? On a side note what makes them gain more hay or feed?

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6 Responses to What can help my goat gain weight?

  1. Hya is better for gaining weight. Put her in a small pen where she can’t run around. I know she might not like it but it will slow her metabolism down.

    Best I can do.

    June 28, 2013 at 4:51 am

  2. I would check to make sure she dosn’t have worms or something. Calf manna will help them gain weight. I think Oats do too.

    I think it depends more the kind of hay rather then hay verses feed. I hear Timothy hay makes them gain more weight then a grass hay.

    Sheri W
    June 28, 2013 at 5:41 am

  3. She may be wormy.Goats need to be wormed regularly.Hay is used just as a filler.Feed is better and they like to browse if you have the pasture for them.They will eat dead leaves so as you rake toss them in the pen.

    June 28, 2013 at 5:50 am

  4. Well gaining 6 pounds is not too bad. What breed is she?

    She might need to be wormed. And you don’t want to put her into a pen where she can’t run around and play. That is how you get fat goats. But it sounds like it could be worms. Grain will make them gain more weight. Like another person said hay is a filler.

    But some goats do not gain as much weight as others. Some gain weight slower. I would be worried if she lost weight.

    June 28, 2013 at 6:09 am

  5. lol do not put her in a smaller pen! That owuld make it worse 😉 what I would do is make her less stressed out. Put her in a cool pasture with lots of weeds, and shade, with other goats to play with. The less stressed she is, the more she eats, the more she gains from what she eats, and the more lean/muscular she is (which is good for show or carcass grade) if you can’t out her somewhere less stressful, start trying to take her on walks in the morning/at night, the more energy they burn, the more the eat, and the more is converted into muscle (which is what you want)

    Make sure her water is clean and cool too! And could she have a mineral defeciency? That can sometimes cause them to absorb less nutrients thusly making them gain less weight/muscle. Start her on some supplements (Like “Goat Mineral) they cost maybe 2 more cents a day to feed, but can make a world of a difference!

    Oh and what gender is your goat? Whethers (castrated males) tend to gain MUCH better then females. If you goat is a female (a doe) then she probably won’t be gaining nearly as much as the whethers! And plese don’t tell me you are trying to raise a buck (male goat) for meat….

    June 28, 2013 at 7:05 am

  6. Have you de-wormed your goat recently? De-worming can help eliminate parasites which are taking essential nutrients away from your goat. You can pick up a good broad-spectrum dewormer, sold under many different names depending on your region, with the active ingredient of fenbendazole; at your local goat feed supply store. If you decide to go this route, follow the lable for the dosaging recommendations for your goat. Or you may need to (or want to) take a stool speciment in to your local veterinarian to determine the exact parasite(s) your goat has, and have them prescribe specific de-worming medication for the parasite(s) infesting your goat.

    June 28, 2013 at 7:13 am

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