What can be done to reduce the environmental impact of agriculture?

Filed under: Self Reliance |

sustainable agriculture
Image by friendsoffamilyfarmers
Dairy Farmer, Jon Bansen describes his philosophy on happy cows, green grass and healthy milk.

Question by Krystsina Marhunova: What can be done to reduce the environmental impact of agriculture?

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One Response to What can be done to reduce the environmental impact of agriculture?

  1. Farm more like Joel Salatin. Look up Polyface Farms, Swoope, VA.

    Reduce #’s of huge monocrop operations, reduce tillage, reduce use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, use more natural materials and methods, sell more locally and ship less, put manure to its proper use as a soil nutrient rather than treating as a waste product, STOP GMO’s.

    Short story: sustainable organic farming with local markets.

    July 8, 2013 at 11:22 pm

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