What broiler chicken is a cross between Plymouth Rock and Rhode Island? (white, spotted or black broilers)?

Filed under: Poultry |

broiler chickens
Image by Michael W. May
Large On Black

marinated in lemon and olive oil whist coated with mixed cracked peppercorns, sea salt, honey, and dill

Question by dULz: What broiler chicken is a cross between Plymouth Rock and Rhode Island? (white, spotted or black broilers)?

Hubbard? Arbor acres? Vantress? Cobb
Hubbard? Arbor acres? Vantress? Cobb?

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2 Responses to What broiler chicken is a cross between Plymouth Rock and Rhode Island? (white, spotted or black broilers)?

  1. OMG! You eat animals!?!?! what do you think they think about that?

    September 19, 2012 at 6:50 am

  2. Could it be the Rhodebar? The Rhodebar is an extremely rare breed, it was originally created from the Barred Plymouth Rock and the Rhode Island Red in the 1940’s.

    September 19, 2012 at 7:11 am

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