What are the criticisms and adventages of marxism on analysising poverty?

Filed under: Bees |

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Image by USDAgov
Agriculture radio broadcaster Susan Carter (left) interviews Orren Fox, (aka @happychickens) a teenage chicken/bee keeper, from Boston, who spoke about agriculture careers, following a Know Your Farmer COMPASS twitter event at the White House, in Washington, D.C., on Monday, March 5, 2012. The virtual conversation event was a continuation of a National Conversation on Local and Regional Food projects and how they offer economic opportunities to local farmers, ranchers and food entrepreneurs. Foxx learned where his food comes from, by raising chickens in his backyard since he was nine. Now he has 32 chickens, 4 ducks and over 200,000 bees. USDA Photo by Lance Cheung.

Question by michelle817mak: What are the criticisms and adventages of marxism on analysising poverty?

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2 Responses to What are the criticisms and adventages of marxism on analysising poverty?

  1. Karl Marks had originally conceptualied “Markism”. He was German and had profound understanding of Society and the Class structure of it. He strongly opposed prevelent Capitalist Society,and asked for bargaining power of “Labour” and asked them to unite worldwide and believe in equality of Society.Many countries China ,Russia adopted the State as a
    mean to control , transform the welfare, wealth of the Society. But we live in Society where Capital also plays a larger role to deliver the Wealth and welfare. So now Socialistic Model is Expressed. Culture, Natural resorces, manpower and not the lleast capital requires to built the nations. So Marxism could not deliver theexpected fast results.

    November 30, 2012 at 5:48 pm

  2. Karl Marx was from Prussia.

    Marx’s philosophy hinges on his view of human nature. Along with the Hegelian dialectic, Marx inherited a disdain for the notion of an underlying invariant human nature. Sometimes Marxists express their views by contrasting “nature” with “history.” Sometimes they use the phrase “existence precedes consciousness.” In either case, a person is determined by where and when the person is — social context takes precedence over innate behavior; or, in other words, one of the main features of human nature is adaptability. Nevertheless, Marxian thought rests on the fundamental assumption that it is human nature to transform nature, and he calls this process of transformation “labour” and the capacity to transform nature “labour power.” For Marx, this is a natural capacity for physical activity, but it is intimately tied to the active role of human consciousness:

    “ A spider conducts operations that resemble those of a weaver, and a bee puts to shame many an architect in the construction of her cells. But what distinguishes the worst architect from the best of bees is this, that the architect raises his structure in imagination before he erects it in reality.

    Ulitmately, Marx’s theories on poverty were proven wrong, and he methods were adopted by people wanting to put a new name on Dictatorship, totalitarianism and Socialsim. While his theories did not pan out in practice, they did provide for great “mass control” in the two most populous contries in the world for a time.

    November 30, 2012 at 6:33 pm

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