What are some sustainable ways of using the rainforest?

Filed under: Self Reliance |

sustainable agriculture
Image by friendsoffamilyfarmers
Organic Valley donated cheese and milk at the event.

Question by toastxcore: What are some sustainable ways of using the rainforest?
if you could give me any ways, websites, key words etc that would be superrrr
– i asked this in geography because it’s for my geography homework, not sure where else to put it..

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3 Responses to What are some sustainable ways of using the rainforest?

  1. Using the rainforest? Why do you want to use it? Leave it alone. That is the best thing.

    David M
    June 16, 2013 at 12:19 pm

  2. The only way to sustain something is to not touch it in the first place.If however you take away trees then you have to replace them to sustain them.Taking into account the slow rate of growth some trees have, you would have to begin planting trees before you started chopping to sustain a mature forest.

    June 16, 2013 at 1:12 pm

  3. by harvesting the naturally occurring crops in the rainforest.

    things like cashews brazil nuts and others grow naturally, and some of the products that can be harvested in a “natural” environment don’t grow as well when “farmed”, so there is less damage than cutting down the rainforest for “regular” agriculture.




    June 16, 2013 at 2:07 pm

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