What are some examples of sustainable agriculture?

Filed under: Self Reliance |

sustainable agriculture
Image by Mann Library
Poster for Local Food and Fiber Fair, November 18th, 2010, Albert R. Mann Library, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences & College of Human Ecology, Cornell University

Designer: David Zielnicki ’10

Question by Tess.j: What are some examples of sustainable agriculture?

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2 Responses to What are some examples of sustainable agriculture?

  1. Here’s a good site that outlines some stuff: http://www.ucsusa.org/food_and_agriculture/science_and_impacts/science/sustainable-agriculture.html

    Crop rotation is one method.

    I’m really interested in permaculture: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permaculture

    good luck!

    Brown Clay
    April 15, 2012 at 7:15 pm

  2. The sewage from the people who eat the food would have to be applied to fertilize the fields where the food was grown. Dead people would have to be buried in those fields too (mustn’t waste the calcium and phosphorus of the bones).
    Good luck with that.

    April 15, 2012 at 7:16 pm

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