What are my chances for Ivy League admittance?

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Question by MS: What are my chances for Ivy League admittance?
What are my chances for Ivy League admittance?

I am a rising senior.

GPA- 4.0, unweighted (around a 5.0 weighted)

SAT-Based on practice exams, at least a 2250, I am hoping higher.

Based on my score, I know that, at the very least, I shall attain Commended Status. I was ill the day I took it, and did not perform as well as I usually do. šŸ™

-Excellent AP and CLEP scores.

-All of my classes are and have been Honors, CLEP, or AP.

-Officer positions throughout membership in the National Junior Honor Society (Treasurer ’05-’06), and the National Honor Society (Historian ’07-’08, Treasurer ’07-’08, President ’08-’09.)

-Well over 1000 community service hours, probably over 2000. Have not yet tallied all hours. Organized many large service events.

-Duke TIPS Scholar (Scored 99th percentile in nation on standardized exam (IOWA) and became eligible to take part in Duke Talent Identification Search through Duke University; took College SAT in seventh grade through Duke TIPS, and was presented with award at Texas A&M University. From that point forward, I became eligible to participate in college-level courses/programs.)

– One of eleven students in the nation to earn Perfect Score on the National Greek Language Exam. Earned Gold Medal second year (not quite perfect).

– Received gold medal for top scores on the National Latin Language Exam, for two consecutive years.

– Accepted into the National Junior Classical League.

– Accepted into the National Latin Honor Society.

-Invited into the National Society of High School Scholars, the People to People Ambassador Program, National Youth Leadership Conference, National Leadership Summit, and many other programs of that nature. (ARE THESE SOCIETIES/OPPORTUNITIES WORTHWHILE?)

-Won 29 International and National science awards in the two most prestigious international science competitions in the world, and the largest regional competition in the United States, including awards from NASA, the US Air force, the Army, the Office of Naval Research, and from national physics organizations, as well as full scholarship awards from numerous universities, paid internships from organizations and companies, and Grand Awards over entire International Competitions.

-Presented my science work at national and international science conferences, and had my research published in two peer-reviewed science journals.

-President of Civics Club–Hundreds of Good Citizenship Hours.

-Won one National and one State Good Citizenship/Political Activism Award.

-Youth Legislator in Youth and Government Debates for three years.

-Drafted and debated my own bills, along with those of hundreds (thousands?) of other youth delegates, on the House and Senate floors of the State Capitol.

-Received Distinguished Delegate Awards through Youth and Government, served as Committee Chair, and been invited to the Conference on National Affairs (National Debates).

-Student musician since age three (piano and violin).

-Won numerous state music competitions, and music competitions through universities.

-Performed with one of most renowned orchestras in US with my youth orchestra (very prestigious chamber orchestra), where I serve as a First Violin (I am Concertmistress of another Youth Honors Orchestra.)

-Performed for many different venues and dignitaries through orchestra.

-Played for nursing home residents, cancer wards, community benefits, and in church orchestras and performances.

-Won numerous spelling bees.

-Won award in national writing competition.

-First place in a nation-wide contest for young actors.

-Active in six forms of dancing (my sport).

-Former fencer.

-Active in archery, unofficially.

-Work in my parentsā€™ law firm, assisting in record-keeping and accounting areas.

-Started my own non-profit organization to raise funds to help the Persecuted Church, and to free victims of war atrocities in third world nations.

I still have one more year. Suggestions for improvement?

Thanks in advance.
Thank you for your answer.

I am not in any way attempting to ‘show off.’ I had asked this question recently, and was told that, since I had no real sports accomplishments, I would probably NOT be accepted. I was very confused, and still am, and am seeking advice.

Can you help? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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5 Responses to What are my chances for Ivy League admittance?

  1. You shouldn’t even have to ask this, this is above and beyond! Yes you can as long as you don’t blow your essays off.
    You don’t need to be in athletics to get in, from looking at everything you’ve done, you’ll definitely get in.

    Dizzee Fangirlā„¢
    October 30, 2012 at 1:54 am

  2. you have a pretty good chance. remember there are more ivy leauges than just harvard and yale. essays are important. structure! you will be fine. just relax

    October 30, 2012 at 2:22 am

  3. Wow… Yea, I know nerds, and you’re a nerd for sure.

    I think you have a great shot, not only to the Ivies, but to other great schools around America, like Duke, UChicago, WashU, Berkley, Rice, etc., etc.

    And if you’re a minority, well, even better. šŸ˜€ But that really doesn’t matter so much with your credentials.

    Yea, as long as your essays are on par, I’m sure you’ll go very far.

    In regards to “ARE THESE SOCIETIES/OPPORTUNITIES WORTHWHILE?” the answer is “no” unless they’re free. Colleges know which programs you have to pay $ 2000 dollars for, and they know that they aren’t as selective as they claim. In general, if you have to pay to put something on your resume, it’s not worth it.

    I hope I can someday find out which university you attend!! Good luck!

    October 30, 2012 at 3:05 am

  4. I don’t know if the criteria applied to international applicants and US applicants are the same. I am from Turkey, from a very selective high school. My friends have been accepted to Harvard, Yale Princeton etc with much much less than these.

    However, I don’t think invitation letters for People to People meetings etc count. It had become a joke in our school since everyone had got the letters but no one even considered to participate.

    Nur K
    October 30, 2012 at 3:06 am

  5. There is a wealth of information from actual students who attend the colleges you are looking into here: http://www.studentsreview.com

    Detailed surveys that provide Information on what it takes to get in, social life, academics, etc from both current students of the college and recent alumni. This is much more informative than other sites I have reviewed.

    October 30, 2012 at 3:27 am

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