What are all the basics of raising ducks\ducklings?

Filed under: Poultry |

raising ducks
Image by LI Refugee
Long Island was once known for its duck farms, peaking in 1960 when 7.5 million ducks were raised per year, supplying two thirds of all ducks raised in the United States. Since then, the industry has largely disappeared and today there remain only two farms left on the entire island, one of which, Jurgielewicz, filed for bankruptcy in January of 2010.

Although these and other domestic ducks are seen quite frequently at ponds on the island, they are doubtless not descended any of the millions of ducks that were once farmed there, but they do remind me of the importance the ducks once had on Long Island and its economy and culture.

Long Island, of course, is home to the Biggest Duck of all.

Top viewed photograph of Sept 1, 2010

Question by K3nda11 🙂: What are all the basics of raising ducks\ducklings?
I really like ducks.So I`am thinking about getting one or two.I`ve done a lot of research.I still have many questions like where do I get the food they eat,how should there cage be?How big?What is it made of?Will they be okay when I`am at school?What breed would be better?Oh and where do I get one?I would really like one that I could get a few days after it`s hatched.I live in Akron Oh. So…Thanks 🙂

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One Response to What are all the basics of raising ducks\ducklings?

  1. I did the same thing. I had them and i had to give them away to a wildlife reserve after 2 years. They don’t like people and all they do is want food. I loved them to death but they don’t love you. all in all you really don’t want one, there ten times harder to take of than i thought. I got them as duckling(2) and as duckling they needed to stay under a heat lamp.it should be on one side of a good size cage so they can move away from it when they get too hot. When older they need a larger cage about the size of a 2 person tent, safe from cats, dogs snakes etc. to get them and food look for a local feed store. you’ll need cracked corn (add water when babies). and you have to get at least two duckling. if you don’t it will feel lonley and cry itself to death (literaly). when babies they need constant rewatering, feeding not as often.they poop and walk in there water. Pekin ducks are the best if you do end up getting one. they can’t fly so you can fence in an area for them to stay in. And yes, the Aflac duck 😛

    June 23, 2011 at 8:45 pm

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