What age can a girl go to a county health dept or planned parenthood in Oklahoma to get b/c without her parent?

Filed under: Bees |

raise bees
Image by beecatcher
brood box split in to three with two removable boards. These fit snuggly so bees cannot move from one area to another. This is to house 3 x 3 frame nucs with princesses or queens.

The board on the top is a divider board, note the slit in the board to allow the queens aroma to fill the entire box then if one queens fails a board can be removed making 2 in to 1. or 3 in to 1 and there should be total acceptance as they all smell the same

The crown board is solid (IMO a failing as you raise the one crown board and all three nucs can come up) with three holes in the top of feeding and 3 glass viewing panels.

Has three entrances. not the landing board at the front entrance.

Question by ☼▬Jessi Ann▬☼: What age can a girl go to a county health dept or planned parenthood in Oklahoma to get b/c without her parent?
I ask because recently my 14 1/2 yr old niece confessed she’s become sexually active with her 16 yr old b/f. I have tried talking to the mom and tried to make her see reason but she refuses to put her daughter on b/c because she claims she’s “too young” the daughter is calling asking me for help and i’m caught in the middle. I refuse to take the kid to get b/c myself because that’s overstepping my bounds and opposing the moms right to mother her child how she sees fit. but if the daughter was able to go get the b/c by herself that might help divert this train headed for disaster. The girl hasn’t made the guy use condoms yet because like most teenage guys he’s really convincing and smooth talks her out of it. I have gone over the birds and bees, STD’s & STI’s with this girl long before the b/f came into the pic and she still made a classic girl in love mistake. I am at my wits end with her mom i refuse to try to tell her how to raise her kid but i hate to see a young child’s life ruined by being ill informed. I can’t find any info online about how young is too young to get b/c and exams from a health dept or pp if you a minor. Please good info only and no rude comments. I am concerned for me nieces health and well being, i love her mom to death but she is incompetent in matters of sex,health,and that arena in general. I just want my niece to have a chance at a full healthy life, maybe even college, and if she becomes a teen mom or gets an incurable STD it will break my heart. What can or should i do?
I do know quite a bit about women’s health but i’ve never dealt with the health dept/planned parent hood sde of things i’ve always had insurance and my mom coached me through all this when i was her age. I can’t call at this time of day obviously because nothings open. Just need some good onest advice.
The mom also says that if her daughter gets p/g then she’ll just have to learn and deal with being a teen mom the way she(the mom) did. I was appauled at this statement, i always thought parents wanted better for their kids …

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2 Responses to What age can a girl go to a county health dept or planned parenthood in Oklahoma to get b/c without her parent?

  1. I think to go to Planned Parenthood you have to be 18, but I might be wrong. Why don’t you just call there and ask? I called there once and I believe they asked me if I was 18 but I am really not sure!
    So call it is anonymous!

    Biene Maja
    October 17, 2012 at 5:40 pm

  2. If I were you, I would just step in and get the girl her birth control. She’s already doing it unprotected, so you have to act fast before she gets pregnant. The mother may be mad, but oh well that little girl needs help. The mother will regret not giving her the birth control once her ”too young” daughter becomes a mother at 15. Now that’s too young. She isn’t even old enough to get a job.

    October 17, 2012 at 6:31 pm

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